A flock of birds, a philosophical poem by Adam Bull In a flock - TopicsExpress


A flock of birds, a philosophical poem by Adam Bull In a flock of birds, when one of them is uncomfortable by instinct, then so are the others. In flocks of people, when one is uncomfortable by instinct, the others do nothing and ignore it. Then it is true to say that man does not recognise the instinct of others, but rather replaces it with that of his own. Among all other species, and the interdependent communications, practice and exercise of peaceful signalling and communications, and mutual partnership in instinct - the human instinct has been somehow accidentally or somehow purposefully erased. And so the effect, when danger is in the instinct of another, and his signals, be it sound, image, or other wireless form of communique - it goes ignored in his kindred, and great wars are suffered from it. If men were more like a flock of birds, he would move in the sky unfettered by the spirits or instincts of his other flock, and he would be guided not by his instincts, but by the correct instincts of all other instincts. There can be no greater gift than the trust of one placed by another, and in the flock of many, there is no law of average in this flock, only instinct and reason, and in this state, the errors of one cannot be carried into the flock, only the errors of the entire flock. Today man lives in the state where the errors of one man can enter the entire flock. Men is not using natures and his surrounding mens instincts to guage his and others actions. And so a world has been built reflecting the values of such virtue. Not only does not man signal properly, but the signals of his fellow men and partners in life - there cannot be any sanity in ignoring our kindred to which support our way of lives presently on this earth. There can be no reason or instinctive base to be correct in ignoring which we depend. There can be no educated or refined person who would adopt a system which ignores the things for which it depends. There can be no correct law and state of the people, that is not reflective of the wisdoms required for the procurement of the welfare. And so when the procurement of welfare for the state is weak, then so is that of earth, ourselves, and our fellow species. We can ignore this message for quite some time, but it will not be long until the natural resources of this planet are squandered entirely in several hundred or thousand years, and so we will search with instinct and reason, by necessity of observation and invention in determining for which the thing which was responsible for their production as ore from begin on this noble planet. Mens instinct will in this period leap boundaries never before seen on planet earth for at least 10 or 20,000 years. In the humble myths and legends of old and new, the science and technology of the future and the past, and in the great Iliads of old ancient wise men past. In the delightful myths, legends and masonic tradition of King Solomon, and the sacred keys to the spiritual body of life, to which the universe is borne , like an egg, a cell, or a fetus, it is difficult to understand a simple premise, for that which contains - and that which any cell, planet, galaxy, universe, or cellularverse that could be conceived in the inventions and inductions of intellectual man, its measure of value, and quantity is always measured in terms of education. And education is always refined in information from the cells, planets, galaxies and cellularverses. There is only one verse that carries an important meaning, first there is the birth of the thing, when it comes about, to which all things seeds of plants, animals and fish readily observe, and then there is the division in the meiosis and mitosis processes as can be seen in the magnetic polar alignment of the equator for the cellular life to be perpetually forwarded, in the same manner we see the magnetic equator of the planet, and the equators of the solar system, and the poles of their planets, and the perpetual motion to which their motion is derived. In all manners of scales and arguments of the belief of the limitation of human energies, it is always solely limited by the missing pieces of information, that is to say , they are missing the rest of the universe, they are missing the instincts, reasons, signals of their kindred, the animals, the plants, the planets, they are all talking, they are in fact singing, in a grand unified chorus, to which no single part is left unnoticed by the very reasoning of a basic theory of sound, and resonance. And so any thing invented, or observed that is wrong, it is always missing the other parts which have pieces of information, and the person who is wrong is always missing the importance of peoples mistakes. In a group if there are enough mistakes, it will only be a matter of time until people instincts and reasons catch up again, and instead of standing as a Pharaoh of technology for a new future looking forwards, he and his people must look back again, for what is lost. They must reclaim their heritage, and then it would be alright. There is a time to standalone as a pioneer, and I must admit in the last 3 centuries there is a very real scientific revolution occurring, and it has done some great of good for the education of men, but if it teaches a delusive hertzian electromagnetic fiction, to which obstructs the true nature of the universe and electricity, then the instincts of reason and instinct must have been lost, and must be reclaimed, firstly and foremostly, in order to correct this vast aberration on the history of electrical theory, secondarily and possibly most importantly it is by the state, the military, the group who is not lead by group instinct, that is led by one man, that is fallible, it is not a natural thing and as you can see, it has led to the torment which exists inside each men today. Men , women and kid children could lead happy and productive lives, without the chains of reasoning to which our pioneers and leaders stagnate. Indeed we are led by people whom do not have the competence nor the reasoning and instinct, or desire to understand, and we are deceived by those whom have only the competence to gain from the suffering of others. A sad reality, often mistreated as negative. In truth a great deal of energy, work, and life is expended each day, for meaningless and wantonly wasteful endeavors, for any academic it is readily presented when inspecting general texts of literature from times past, it is clear that man is advancing, and in that advancement he is rewriting his instincts and reasons, and sometimes overcoming them. In the case of overcoming the sacred nature of the universe, his kindred, and their signals, then he has perhaps built his doom, out of what would have necessarily been his saviour. Instead of learning from his literature, and using it to better signal and to live in harmony with his surrounding lands, living creatures, and living universe, and understand better the instincts and reasons of others he instead presents himself and others with a dead, and mechanical universe, without a blueprint for a machine, or a proper reverse engineering effort. He closes himself off from the world of mens reasoning and instinct. There is no polite term for such criminally insane reasoning of scientists, atheists and mathematicians of this state. They are of course gods, to which may judge as rulers of the universe, without having ever seen, or solved a myriad of some 10,000 problems, many of which risk the foundation of mathematics altogether. In the inspection of prime numbers, to which there is supposed to be no adequate order, as this was proposed with many things before, it will be shown, eventually, that nature. It is alright to close the instincts and reasons of the other men when you are in possession of all the facts. It is alright to say that you are more educated than others if you are in possession of facts which show how something works different to the way than the others are showing it. I can give an example. Many believe the explanation of our science and space men that the orbital satellite in space continues rotating because of its existing motion, if only this were true - the reason why the satellite has the motion is because of the poles of the planets. The reason why to place a satellite into orbit requires a great deal of energy, is because of the earths gigantic magnetic nature, perpetually holding anything to its surface, but once anything breaks free, be it a conductor or insulator, they both have the scientists protons and electrons and so it would be alright, because the giant earth magnet could hold the rock satellite, or metal or plastic satellite in orbit, if one were to create an magnetic current inside the rock satellite, a metal or plastic satellite then the tail end of the craft could have a strong south pole on its tail and a strong north pole on its front, and then shut to the moon - its motion could be powered by the same thing as satellites in orbit, except on land, and from the interaction of the moon and the sun s magnetic current with its own, and the combination is what makes an orbit, or the motion, and this is proof enough motion is not at the base of my electricity, gravity, transformer or my or earths perpetual motion holder, but what is the base is the north and south pole magnets in the conductors, and insulators, gravity having both, and our satellites having an equal amount of magnetisation in the vacuum of space, it is unlikely for our craft to be powered by the rotating magnetic field as our planet, the atom and our sun are, but that is not to stop other space men from other places, usually with a hole in the middle to make use of the rotating magnetic field, to cause their orbits, like planets. The device I have here, lifts stones, metals and insulators, but the device you have already does this, it is the earth, it is lifting the metals and insulators, rocks and people, animals and plants down, and so they know where their roots are. They are at the base. Learn about nature, electricity, light, the north and south pole, gravity, earthquakes, volcanoes, spring tide, neap tide, the weather of earth, and learn that they are all caused by external things. The moon, the sun, the earth, and the ancient masonic traditions of King Solomon. These are what I have ultimately worked for and what I will ultimately die for. It cannot be said how much time man has when he ignores his sacred universe. It cannot be wrong for me to wish to be alone from those that ignore their universe, their instincts, and the reasons and instincts of others in the flock. This group think may be an alarming and damaging concept to which this species has broken from, but it is urgently required, and I will not accept anyone any more readily than they accepted the logic to reject to learn about their universe. If people cannot learn about the universe, then they cannot control the universe. And people who cannot control the universe, cannot control themselves anyway. Since the control of the self is dependent upon this very wheelwork of nature to which we rotate at 1037 miles per hour from our equator, and its 66,000 miles per hour speeding motion towards the magnetic current of the sun. Many physicists, scientist, electricians, new agers are believing that the summer comes to earth from the sun. The summer does not come to earth from the sun, in the same manner that the summer does not come from the rotation of the earth. The summer comes from the two. For one current to run there must always be another. And so you see when men ignore the currents of others, it is wrong. When one expects god to come from within, sometimes he is as disappointed as when he expected god to come from afar. The idea of God is not a new one, and neither are my statements and ideas about the electric arc of the universe, these are ancient ideas. In 200 years we have become qualified to destroy 20,000 years of sacred development in the science of nature, and replaced it with the dead, mechanical, atheist universe which requires only one thing - it in fact requires a God. It will always require a god until all information and data is available for invention and inductive analysis. But the scientists, dead, mechanical atheistic sacrilegious universe does not need a God to know all things - scientists have already done this by constructing ideas they are not able to show. As dangerous a path as the declaration of Osiris, is the proclamation that one has become it. Surprising, if not a little bit arrogant that the resourcefulness of scientists and engineers believe they are clearly beyond the masonic and intellectual capacity of king Solomon, and the pyramid builders of times past. Indeed the scientists, engineers and electricians do not posses the royal arc of the covenant nor do they posses the holy grail to which brings life, nor do they posses the consciousness of the lord almighty, or the consciousness of the universe, the scientists tells you that they only posses their own consciousness and they are happy to tell you this, and they also tell you that their ultimate goal is to isolate the universe to increase the accuracy of their measurements by removing interference. And so they have ended up declaring themselves as gods of all knowledge and things, and have divided the universe into so many pieces, still declaring themselves gods of certainty, they are yet to put it back together in any meaningful order. And when questioned we, civilisation, are told we are working towards that, that is the whole point. Maybe if the whole point of getting the accurate observation of what is going on, dividing it, splitting it up, changing what it is, is the opposite of what scientists claim to achieve. What you can see that I am saying is that Newtons inductive theory set and the Einstein inventive theory set are not to be condemned, but the reasoning and instincts of men in their adoption ought to be just as much as the 2000 year greek epicycle debacle. Indeed, in the case of a universally and completely generally correct theory, and that of being a god, this is the simple description of having all of the available facts, there is no need to invent a reason. One who is in possession of all of the facts has nothing to invent. He already knows. Thus the delusion and criminal insanity of science, engineering and electrical theory. Nobody really knows, but they keep marching on, claiming to be in possession of facts, and to be God, but are never really in possession of all the facts, and so they must invent things, and when the inventions look wrong, they must invent a new reason why it can be and then when again that breaks, they must make something to help the first theory. Behold the scientific theory, as it is, hardly perfect by any means, as was time past. Science, is attempting to replace religion then, and has done a marvellous job of it. That is to say, replacing a God that cannot be understood, with one that is a human being, that cannot understand without all the facts, yet, claims to make them. He splits up, and invents theories that explain only small narrow parts of the way the universe works, he ignores the exceptions which are still not explained, and the contradictions that exist in other theories, he ploughs on, this is science he says. He splits up the universe more, and invents even more specific faculties of theory, so much so that the biologist does not know electric theory, and the electrician does not know mechanics properly, and the mechanic does not undertand biology and chemistry. And so there is nobody who really knows how it is working. Just people with a few observations and experiments, writing stuff down. Not a lot has changed then in the last 600 years. But 2000 to 10,000 years ago they applied the work and theories that I have laid out carefully in this document. This took me about 45 minutes to write, and has not been checked, re-read, rehearsed , planned in any way. If one is in possession of all the facts, and can construct them altogether, without narrowing, dividing, multiplying or entering something that was not already there, then no theory, invention, new experiment or observation is required. We already know. This should be the goal, but unfortunately it is not. We have atheists adopting the title of God, and accepting the contradictory idea that all things cannot be known. In essence we have academics declaring things they have been taught, and have learnt are bad, as is the case of a religion in almost all religiously fundamental ways, a hardcore fundamental atheist scientist cannot see beyond his godless universe, but nonethelesss marches on, without all of the new experiments to come, the new data, and the new theories on how things work. That is to say these scientist of today, they ignore the future, as the religious men they replaced tried to ignore them. But time, nature, and osiris, god, or whomever or whatever you would like to call the grand architect of the universe and its currents, continues and marches on regardless of the assumptions, judgement and ignorance that man whos it. Nature ultimately having no desire but to grow, cares not about the lack of growth in a single man, but adequately smites him by his wrongful decleration. And there is something to be learnt from that. If a so-called educated man is angry about having no friends, be suspicious of him, because a highly educated organism in this universe has little to be angry about being away from those whom do not serve high education. The unrefined man should be angry about having no friends to signal. But if a person or a thing is educated enough, and it is beautiful and perfect enough, nothing is good enough for it. And you can see it in society just by looking. I am not talking about the indebted estate folk, or the wealthy mansion going person - I mean that if a person is truly high enough, educated enough, and refined to a high degree, if that person has enough polish, then what would he have to signal another that does not wish to change or to learn from him. He cannot say much but try to help as best he can. And that is why it is alright to break away from the flock. Only when you are refined enough to educate, teach, explain what it is you have, and know the difference between the generality of wisdom and the exceptions of the narrow mind. The educated and refined person has a wide mind, but the uneducated unrefined person has a narrow mind. As you can see the wise mind can travel very far, but the unrefined one is blocked in the material world by his manifesting attitude. That is to say a persons attitude is reflective of their education, and a persons class, social order, rank, or species, has nothing to do with it. A refined sense is an open mind, that checks it work, has the ability to prove it, and the ability to check the work of others. IF you can do all of these things, then you can be educated. I was not educated at first. I knew nothing about electricity or gravity , radioactivity or nuclear particle physics when i begun my work. But when I finished I found out gravity and particle decay wasnt caused by mass. Scientists, electricians and engineers could note how this would change the current science. If I could do this, then I see absolutely no reason why any other could not do it to. Start with why the so-called physicists electron rotates around its core perpetually, and with understanding the perpetual motion inside something that is considered a conductor that makes it that way, and learn about what perpetual motion can do. It can make the perpetual power. Now imagine a larger generator with horizontally spinning coils or motors around it, like the sun the moon and the earth can, it would make all kinds of gravity. Do not apply for a patent for the device. I have already applied for one at the patent office. Read about Magnetic Current and Edward Leedskalnins coral Castle in Florida, and learn what the poles can do. Learn about the Technology of the old and new Future. Best Wishes, Adam Bull Author
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:56:07 +0000

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