A foolish report trashing non-teaching workers in the schools - TopicsExpress


A foolish report trashing non-teaching workers in the schools With President of OAPSE JoAnne Johntony With newly appointed Trumbull County Commissioner Mauro I received a warm welcome at the Trumbull/Mahoning County AFL-CIO. I was able to go into my deep roots with the AFL-CIO. Not only was I a delegate to the AFL-CIO in Cleveland for decades I helped transform the local AFL from one dominated by older white men to a more diverse organization consisting of leaders of color, women and many leaders from the public employees unions. That demographic change allowed the AFL under the leadership of John Ryan to become a group fighting for the interests of all workers, organized in the AFL and unorganized. The AFL also spearheaded the Cleveland Public Schools Employees Council where all the unions within the Cleveland schools worked together on community outreach issues such as enrolling children in the CHIP health program and providing support for parents for their literacy efforts with their children. Now the pro-privatization Fordham Foundation comes out with a report alleging to show that the increase in the number of non-teaching workers in the schools hurts taxpayers and children. Its a seductive argument that ignores the reality on the ground. Children with disabilities need paraprofessionals in the classroom. Students also need classroom assistance through Title I to increase personal attention for reading and math through well trained paraprofessionals. As the role of schools has increased to provide breakfast and lunch and bus transportation and increased security who does Fordham expect will provide these services? Robots? Similar to their research about the need to reduce teacher pensions this report is more aimed at trashing the stability of non-teaching workers than in developing directions to improve education. When the economic stability of teachers and school workers falls, the middle class especially in urban and poor rural area fades. That reality is not on the radar of the anti-public education funded Fordham Foundation.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:04:22 +0000

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