A forgotten species - Now verging threatened status. Over the - TopicsExpress


A forgotten species - Now verging threatened status. Over the past fifteen years species of giraffe on the continent of Africa have dropped dramatically by some forty per cent - placing the overall populations in danger of future extinction. 140,000 giraffes from the Giraffa camelopardalis species once roamed most of the continent of Africa, however habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, legal over-hunting, poaching and poisoning are threatening the species. In under two years its quite possible the Giraffa camelopardalis could very well be re-listed as [vulnerable] or even endangered. Research has already shown that new studies being conducted as we speak could very well see all sub-species re-listed as endangered or critically endangered - however its still early days- yet worrying ones at that. Lack of awareness: While the species - Giraffa camelopardalis is listed as least concern and with many articles being published by us and other organisations people seem more concerned about animals that are not even wild or even endangered, or seem uninterested that this ionic species could vanish in a decade which is becoming rather frustrating. Do we literally have to shout to make our our voices heard? It seems so. While environmental and animal rights activists fight tooth and nail to preserve the African elephant there are some 450,000 elephants roaming the continent compared to just a mere 80,000 giraffe. The same can be said for the Rhino activists too. While they in their droves battle to end poaching - the Hippopotamus for example is listed as [vulnerable]. Both the giraffe and hippopotamus face extinction faster than the elephant and rhinoceros. Whats going on people? Are we making ourselves clear now? It would seem that there is more of a fanfare from press, media and online social media groups relating to the elephant and rhino that seems to have taken activists attention away from other animals. This must now stop. Even scientists have showed little attention towards the giraffe with a mere seventy scientific papers actually written on the species within the past decade. One only has to Google search scientific papers for our rhino, elephant, lion and other animals to see just how much attention is being paid to rhinos and elephants (for example) compared to hippopotamus and giraffe. It truly is concerning and worrying that while our backs are turned poachers and hunters are making off with yet another species from under our noses. Conservation: There are some seven organisations that are helping to preserve the species of giraffe, however research and preservation is still lacking and should it not pick up we may see the giraffe species in danger sooner rather than later. One conservationist from the Giraffe Conservation Foundation stated Giraffes are the forgotten megafauna. They’re really not getting the attention they deserve.” As a result, he says, “giraffes are in peril.”. While southern populations are increasing in abundance, northern populations have been decreasing due to habitat degradation and poaching. For example, poaching and armed conflict across the range of the Reticulated Giraffe in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya has reduced numbers to perhaps fewer than 5,000 individuals. Setting an exampled: The Niger government however has responded well to their own species of giraffe that was declining into near extinction - West African giraffe (G.c. peralta), which lives only in Niger, has rebounded from 50 animals in the mid-1990s to 400 today. If Niger can do it so can everyone else they truly are setting a good yet professional example. People now need to look at how well the Niger government have combated poaching, hunting and snaring. Its time to take a leaf out of their book and implement it within our own. In Niger one can now get on foot close up to the giraffes which is amazing - yet in Tanzania, Kenya even South Africa for instance this is not [always] the case of which giraffes will run from humans - in a way knowing that humans are only near them for one main reason - hunting or to poach. The fact you can now walk some 15-20 feet up to a giraffe in Niger yet rarely in Tanzania for instance surely tells you we have major problems. Man and woman is literally running wild on the continent killing anything and everything that moves with four legs. Poor research and hunting: Giraffes have been very poorly studied over the past decade which may be because they appear literally everywhere. From childrens books to films and zoological gardens - They were seen as an all to common animal and not really one of interest. Hence is probably the reason why activists and scientists have paid very little attention to the species. Of course there are some articles online that denounce the hunting of giraffes such as the barbaric Maroi Conservancy of which only few days ago placed statistics on how much revenue hunting has generated yet fails to inform their followers how little hunting revenue is actually helping to preserve giraffes and other animals. https://facebook/maroi.conservancy Its alleged that Hunting tourists spent a conservatively estimated R1.072 billion in South Africa in 2013, an increase of 32% on last year’s R811 million, according to the latest statistics from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). The DEA statistics show that 7 638 hunts by overseas hunters took place last year (2012: 8 387), during which 44 028 trophies (2012: 40 866) were taken. Income from species fees (the fee a hunting outfitter pays a landowner to harvest an animal) amounted to R757.6 million (2012: R574.0 million) and income from daily rates (the fee a client pays a hunting outfitter) came to R314.4 million (2012: R237.0 million) for a total of R1.072 billion. So surely if hunting generated over R1 billion (2012-2013) then where is all the money going too that should now be protecting our wildlife? One can read more here on hunting profit ifaw.org/sites/default/files/Ecolarge-2013-200m-question.pdf More to the point why am I yet again writing to over 1.3 million people and hundreds of thousands of subscribers informing them that our giraffe species and more animals are verging the brink of extinction. Quite obviously someone is not playing ball here and conservationists never tell the truth do they? Worrying times ahead: Now its time to worry. Our own ignorance and compassion towards other animals such as cats, dogs, rodents, farm animals and more has seen giraffes and hippos decline rapidly. The next five years is now the most critical - if we dont pay attention to all animals especially the giraffe were going to lose them. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has already listed the species as [declining] of which hunting, poaching and habitat destruction and fragmentation are all major players seeing this species of giraffe decline more and more by the month. May I suggest the Maroi Conservancy looks into now utilizing their funding to help protect our hippopotamus and giraffe? Or at least please inform the hunters https://facebook/maroi.conservancy/photos/pb.483331461785227.-2207520000.1418321663./505880256197014/?type=3&theater to place a contribution to the giraffes cause addressed to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation? New surveys and possible re-listing to vulnerable: In the next few years or sooner the giraffe is going to be re-listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Scientists and researchers from the Giraffe Conservation Foundation are now compiling data and sadly its not looking good. Our own gut instincts believe the species is going to be listed as vulnerable. Should this be the case we then have literally only years to preserve this commonly seen and known species before local extinctions occur then a complete extinction happens. And if you thought this was bad news - researchers have stated that while they are compiling data for the common giraffe - its more than likely that all sub-species will be listed as either [endangered] or [critically endangered]. Time to focus ones attention on all: Media, press and researchers must focus their attention on all animals and not say - just dogs and cats in the meat trade [as an example]. Dogs and cats are not endangered nor do they look set to become an endangered species within the next hundred or more years. Dogs and cats are domesticated yet millions of activists are fighting tooth and nail to protect them which is good but not so good for the forgotten animals. While we also fight to end the pet meat trade, poaching and wildlife crime in general - we do not overlook other species of animals - nor should other activists and environmentalists. The situation within Africa regarding wildlife and poaching is becoming more worrying by the month. every month its estimated some twenty giraffes are poached just in Tanzania alone, this statistic could be more. While we have only 80,000 species remaining and with poaching increasing over the giraffes range time is rapidly running out. Shocking - Giraffe meat on the menu: Within Tanzania the giraffe is supposed to be protected - there are laws in place that forbid the hunting and poaching of the giraffe a symbol of the country. Yet when we searched Indian game restaurants within Arusha giraffe meat is on the menu. Poachers are importing giraffe meat illegally and killing giraffes within the country then supplying this onto the restaurants to our complete disgust. Yet little is being done to close these restaurants down or bring the perpetrators to justice. While the owners themselves are not actually poaching the giraffe - they are allowing the trade to continue and while trade and demand continues so does the killing. The Tanzanian government has as of last week been passed all addresses, names and evidence on the three restaurants within Arusha that are not only cooking up giraffe meat but have very strong ties with elephant and rhino poachers. Why are we doing the job of local enforcement teams I ask myself of which enforcement teams which are in the area have even been seen visiting these damned restaurants. What is even more concerning is that giraffe meat is also being exported by the three unnamed restaurants into Kenya palmed off as beef. Making ourselves crystal clear here once again - it is ILLEGAL to export giraffe meat or even palm it off as beef least forgetting poaching the animal. However shipments of giraffe meat are being mixed in with tons of beef then exported from Arusha to Nairobi within the back of refrigerated wagons. Every month in Tanzania alone over twenty giraffes are killed for their meat. Rangers and park wardens may/are also involved within this racket too. Its quite possible that within the next five years giraffes within Tanzania will be the very first to go extinct should this [illegal] trade not cease now. International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa calls on the Tanzanian government to now increase border staff and check thoroughly all shipments of alleged legal meat via car or truck. Random DNA samples to be taken with the details of the wagons, companies, drivers and suppliers held should it be proven that meat within the back of these wagons does contain giraffe meat. If proven to be giraffe meat enforcement teams must move to make an arrest thus punishing the perpetrators, smugglers, poachers severely. Dr Jose C. Depre Environmentalist and Botanist speakupforthevoiceless.org [email protected] Donate today and help us preserve African wildlife before its to late. Please donate here - https://facebook/pages/International-Animal-Rescue-Foundation-World-Action-South-Africa/199685603444685?sk=app_117708921611213 Thank you for reading. Pic 1 - Giraffes leading a peaceful and normal life. In Tanzania its not rare for giraffes to run from humans of which believe they are going to hunt them. In Niger you can now walk up 15 feet from a giraffe without seeing the species bolt. Pic 2 - Legal hunting of a giraffe - Over hunting is threatening the species. Pic 3 - Poaching of giraffe meat is becoming a very common practice now thats threatening ALL species of giraffe.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 18:44:38 +0000

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