A forwarded email I just received Not sure what to say to this - TopicsExpress


A forwarded email I just received Not sure what to say to this at the moment but insulting, ignorant, belligerent doesnt begin to describe it. Shameful. Very shameful And people are sending the bullsh*t propaganda around in emails forwarding this to family and friends. You should be embarrassed. > NATIVE HISTORY... > > This was printed in a Nanaimo newspaper and, as you can imagine, > It had all the natives out banging their drums and whooping, but you > know what.. > If the shoe fits ... > > THE SO-CALLED FIRST NATIONS ... > > It was only 12,000 years ago, or less, and this should be considered: > In all those years they: > > -Never discovered the wheel > > -Never had a written language > > -Never discovered astronomy > > -Had no science or scientific discoveries > > -Had no mathematics > > -Made no medical discoveries > > -Never had written music > > -Only figured out a drum and a rattle for musical instruments > > -Had no metallurgy > > -Had no sails for boats (only had canoes and dugout trees for their > thousands of years) > > -Created virtually no mechanical devices > > -Possessed almost nothing that required labour over a period of time, > i.e.: building with or carving out of stone > > -Made almost no inventions > > -Are just in the last 200 years getting caught up to most of the rest > of the world > > -Have a history that is notable only for underachievement > > Think where an equal number of Chinese would be today; given only 10 > years of the advantages Canadian Indians have---no taxes on any money > you earn, while living on a reserve—free dental—free university, > etc. > > BTW the hunger striking chief and her husband, were paid $270,000.00 by > the band last year. > > Comments from a reader in the Globe and Mail. Its a short history > lesson on natives... > > This land does NOT belong to them! > > Why do some people keep saying that it does? Is it because thats what > they want you to believe? > > Well then, the marketing campaign must be working. > > Lets get this straight. > > 1. These peoples ancestors did not just appear in North America, > magically out ofgroup of people and more importantly...they are > immigrants too, like millions of immigrants today. > > 2. The idea that the natives were peaceful caretakers of the land or > benevolent tenants > came over and freed the slaves and put an end to this valued cultural > tradition. > Is slavery peaceful and humane? > > 3. The idea that we stole this land from them is also ridiculous. A > moretechnologically advanced and numerous culture invaded and > conquered. > This is exactly what has been happening since the dawn of humanity all > aroundlaunch a campaign to have the Roman descendants give Italy back > to > the Etruscans. > It is a nonsensical notion driven by the politically correct bleeding > hearts, someand turn off the taps. > > Are these people in trouble? Yes. > > Do they need help? Yes. > > Are they responsible enough to look after themselves and efficiently > spend the billions the tax payers give them? Certainly not. > > The only way to fix this situation is to bring them into society as > equals. > > They should be getting jobs and paying taxes like the rest of us > because in reality, they are no more special than any of the other > hundred or more cultures that call Canada home. > > Turn off the taps. Do away with this traditional use and cultural > nonsense. Educate their children to become modern citizens, instead of > finding their identity and source of pride in some folks who occupied > the land 12,000 years ago. Let them stand or fall on their own account. > Just like the rest of us have to do! > > DO YOU HAVE A MIND OPEN ENOUGH TO PASS THIS ON TO A FEW OF YOUR > CONTACTS? > > PLEASE DO! >
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:14:49 +0000

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