A friend of a friend posted this on FB today and it really touched - TopicsExpress


A friend of a friend posted this on FB today and it really touched my heart. It is written by a women from North Carolina who is a issionary along wtih her husband in Dominican Republic. It touched me so much I tought I would share it with you guys... The blog below was written from a sweet friend Bekah Spurgeon who, along with her husband, are doing missionary work overseas. WHAT A PERSPECTIVE.... so inspiring....she wrote this reflecting on her time in the Dominican Republic...... I am weathered. My skin is damaged by the sun’s harsh rays and whipped by the wind. I am cleansed by the rain, the only shower available to me. I see providence in the way God provides all of my basic needs through nature. I eat the foods grown and gathered locally in the community I live in. I’m filled with gratitude. My exercise consists of lifting children up and down and hiking mountains to share the Bible with people who haven’t heard it’s God-breathed words. It all feels right. My clothes are dirty. I don’t change them every day but I do carry new promises from my Creator in my heart. I wear a smile on my face. I haven’t looked in a mirror in a long time because I know when I possess beauty. I am beautiful: when my eyes seek out the good in people. when I don’t claim ownership of my own possessions -sharing everything. when my lips speak life and encouragement. when I live considerately, aware of the needs of others and quick to assist them. when I boast of nothing but Jesus. when I choose not to take offense, forgiving as quickly and completely as Christ forgave me. when I choose to be last in line. when thanksgiving is my dialect. The magazines lied to us. What a tragedy if we spent one more moment obsessing with physical perfection. There is kingdom work to be done. I arise each morning and feel the darkness tremble as my feet hit the ground. I am awake and called to bring light to everything in my path. How selfish to focus my short time on earth on fine lines and problem areas. Scales have been removed from my eyes and I see all God has given me, not what I am lacking. Sisters and Brothers let’s take back our lives. Our beauty radiates from the inside out.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:46:56 +0000

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