A friend of mine dropped by my office last week. He’s a - TopicsExpress


A friend of mine dropped by my office last week. He’s a successful guy; works hard, saves his money, gives to others. He believes in tipping graciously. I’ve seen him leave a twenty dollar tip for a 4 dollar cup of coffee. Although he’s a bit of an introvert, he’s one of those people everyone likes to be around. I don’t want to embarrass him, as he might be reading this story, so I’ll call him Falcon. As I was saying, ‘Falcon’ dropped by my office last week. “Take a quick drive with me over to the recycler,” he said. Although Falcon doesn’t need the money, he recycles his cans and bottles. He smiled at me as we approached his truck loaded with crushed aluminum cans and assorted bottles. “I know, I know,” he said, “I just can’t throw them in the trash. It feels like I’m throwing cash away.” “I understand buddy,” I said looking at the assorted bottles. “When did you start drinking Skinny Girl Margarita?” I teased. He laughed his easy way. “Don’t knock it till you try it. I’m not much of a drinker but that stuffs pretty good.” “Looks like it, there’s three empties back here,” I said. “One of those is me, the other two are the little lady. “ We loaded up and drove a few miles to a small local recycler. They had a little trailer for an office, where their only employee, was hustling around working hard. We dumped the cans and bottles into empty trash containers, awaiting our turn. The lone employee called out weights and prices for the different colored bottles and cans. He worked with a purpose, but always had a smile on his perspiring face. “It looks like $65.25 today gentlemen,” he said to us. Falcon winked at me, “See, it pays to conserve.” The sweaty smiling worker paid my friend and then said, “Have a great day!” Falcon nodded and asked, “Do you guys take tips?” By the look on his face the question must have caught the worker by surprise. “Uh sure? I’ve never been asked that before.” Falcon peeled off a ten dollar bill and handed it to him. “I appreciate hard work and you’ve been busting your ass.” “Wow, thanks,” was all the stunned guy could say. But my friend wasn’t done. “Are you married?” Falcon asked. “Uh, yes, twenty years next week.” Falcon started to peel off another ten, then paused, grinned at me and handed the entire wad to the hard worker. “Take her out to dinner on me. Congrats and God Bless America.” A teen-ager standing behind us said “Whoa! That’s cool dude!” The attendant stood with his mouth open as we turned and walked back to the truck. Driving away I laughed and said “You are impressive.” “Just trying to keep up with you hero.” “I appreciate it, superstar,” I said. He then gave me a stern look. “Just make sure I don’t end up in one of your stories.” Sorry buddy. Jason Kraus
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:28:04 +0000

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