A friend of mine wanted me to share our church’s beliefs with - TopicsExpress


A friend of mine wanted me to share our church’s beliefs with her. So I thought I would share them with everyone. When I got to writing them down, it was very interesting. All the Scripture is there to back up what we believe as well. Enjoy… The Spirit Led Church beliefs: We believe that you must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and confess Him. (1 John 4:15, Romans 10:9, Acts 16:31, John 3:15) We also believe you must repent of your sins. (Luke 13:3, Matthew 3:2) We also believe you must be baptized with a full dunk water baptism to fulfill all righteousness, just like Jesus did. We also believe that you must be of a certain age to understand that Jesus is the Son of God. We do not believe in infant baptisms, as Philip explained to the Eunuch when he said, If you believe with ALL YOUR HEART. Infants cannot believe with all their heart since they are too young. (Matthew 3:13-15, Acts 8:36-38, Mark 16:16) We also believe in the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Ghost. (Mark 16:17-18) We believe you RECIEVE the Holy Spirit once you first believe. (Ephesians 1:13) But that the BAPTISM/FIRE/POWER of the Holy Ghost comes later, just like it did with the first Apostles. The first Apostles RECIEVED the Holy Spirit on the very day that Jesus rose from the dead, and it says He BREATHED on them. This symbolizes being Born Again, because it was just like when God BREATHED life into the nostrils of Adam at creation. (John 20:17-22) But after Jesus was with them for 40 days AFTER His resurrection, He told them at the night of His ascension, to go back to Jerusalem and wait until they are BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND ENDUED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH. (Acts 1:1-9) Acts 1:3 says it took place 40 days after His resurrection, Acts 1:5 says they WILL BE BAPTIZED with the HOLY GHOST, and Acts 1:8 says they would receive POWER when the HOLY GHOST CAME UPON THEM. We believe RECIEVING the Holy Ghost and being BAPTIZED with the Holy Ghost are two separate events because of these verses. We also believe that when sharing the Gospel with unbelievers, it is crucial to lay hands on them and pray for some type of healing to be done, because this will prove to them that Jesus is Who He said He is, and also prove that He is still alive and well today. We believe this is why Jesus told His Apostles to heal the sick when they proclaimed the Gospel. (Luke 9:2) Just like when Jesus healed the man that his friends lowered on a stretcher through the roof at His feet. Before He healed the man, Jesus said, Your sins are forgiven. Well, the Pharisees sitting in earshot thought that He had blasphemed. However, Jesus said, To PROVE TO YOU THAT I HAVE POWER TO FORGIVE SINS, rise up and walk. (Matthew 9:1-8) We really think many churches have become like the churches Paul spoke of when he said they will have a FORM OF godliness BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF. (2 Timothy 3:5) I hope this was enough. God bless!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:23:49 +0000

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