A general concept has been generated: - corruption gives rise to - TopicsExpress


A general concept has been generated: - corruption gives rise to inflation (confused with price rise) & inflation paves the way for corruption. Thus, a vicious circle comes into existence. This perception also finds its place in the propaganda of so called corruption (because only illegal bribery is treated as corruption) by Sh. Anna Hazare’s IAC & its political incarnation AAP. It is noteworthy to have a look at the background of so called anti corruption movement. The AAP has arisen from the India Against Corruption Movement launched by NGOs at behest “Transparency International”, a conglomerate of NGOs from the whole world, which was aimed at reducing bribery, their definition of corruption, as this bribery is increasing the cost to the TNCs in their operation & has been named as “additional cost” for TNCs by the IMF in an index named IMCG. The thing has been proven when Mr. Kejriwal himself said that his recent steps are & will aim the “extortionist corruption” & not “mutual corruption”. The “mutual corruption” is a deal between two corrupt entities. The Govt. executives including Ministers & corporate are two parties to “Mutual corruption”. AAP has never promised or included it in its agenda that it will not follow the corporate development model; the root cause of corruption & all the problems of people of India. On the one hand AAP will follow corporate development model, one party to “mutual corruption” and will fight for formation of Govts., second party to “mutual corruption” on the other. As “Jan Lokpal” will act on complaints only & there will not be any complaint in cases of “mutual corruption”; so the AAP is going to facilitate the deal/s of “mutual corruption” in favour of TNCs. To silence the lower employees of state they are allowed to indulge in petty corruption to make believe that corruption is a part of this whole system. Thus, it is the other way round i. e. corporate use corruption for maximising their profits & corrupts the whole system to make believe that corruption is a part of system. Having said this, let’s move to the question of price rise in the recent past because one can easily get classical concepts of paper currency system, value of goods & services, devaluation/appreciation of currency & variation in prices in a capitalist society of open competitive & monopoly situations from any textbook of economics. The recent spurt in prices in India & the World as well are result of a few thousand TNCs control over the World production & various agreements under WTO & other global organisations of TNCs. The policies of “privatisation, globalisation & liberalisation” & GATT agreement in particular requires every state to leave the production & trading of goods & services in the hands of markets. As market is controlled by a few thousand TNCs, it simply means that goods & services traded in market pass through the supply chains of TNCs, thus giving them a hegemonistic position & position to decide the price of goods & services under their control. These supply chains are well extended to the village in India too through “pre harvesting contractors”, commission agents, APMC & National Future Commodity Exchanges. Moreover, huge accumulation of un-investable money in hands of TNCs is turning this money into “speculative capital” which is entering the market to earn “speculative profits”. All these factors taken together are raising the prices of goods & services and certainly not the corruption as we are being told to believe.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:50:25 +0000

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