A gentle reminder (AGAIN) that if you wish to ask me questions, - TopicsExpress


A gentle reminder (AGAIN) that if you wish to ask me questions, your first requirement is to at least be familiar with my work, writings etc. and a great idea is not to wait until the night before or a couple of days before your project is due at school to start asking me questions...youre stressed at that point and I CAN feel it so not only do I have to offer some perspective, I have to eliminate the stress first so that people can actually think clearly to even get what it is Im saying. Fear and anxiousness is NOT a conducive to learning emotion, it deals mainly in reacting...thats the problem, reaction, solution scenario that has been used so effectively against humanity. We have long been using the WRONG solutions as per what the system TOLD YOU was the solution where it was simply a trap in the first place.l have not an issue in the world helping those that have and are helping themselves to begin to remove their own fears through lack of knowledge and WHY I wrote all the essays and documents in the first place. Think of it as a step by step forensic uncovering detailed in written essay form. My essays are my FINDINGS, not my theories...I put my own ideas to the test first through my experiences and analyzing the WHYs of those experiences and only THEN share those experiences. Unfortunately for most, the program of last minute delivery to save costs on warehousing in the factories arena has permeated the very consciousness itself. Our day to day distractions became the greater priority over learning and that was the point of the system; keep you so busy, youll never look and when youre asked to look to see the answer, youre too busy and that is the same lame excuse I hear from far too many. It is difficult to tell people that THEY are the true power and the paperwork is the merely the medium of that power transferred to another where your intent is contained in the understanding, the TRUE understanding of what it is youre sending to someone to diffuse a legal name game the system plays. Thus, breathe. Dare to matter more than your day to day distractions regardless of what importance you give them in the grand scheme of things to take the time to power up via knowledge to gain the understanding and thus, the wisdom. Wisdom can only come through experience, not theory. See this in the same way that someone thinks they can fly flapping two buckets where they climb to the top of a barn only to fall to their deaths. Would it not be best to test that theory from ground level first? If you require an external force (gravity) to create the kinetic energy to test the bucket flight theory, its going to run out of power rather quickly. In theory, you flew, yes...right into the ground when all the kinetic energy is activated through jumping off the barn roof and that same kinetic energy can only be offset by madly flapping your arms in a futile attempt to fly. Yes, you have likely generated some lift but not enough lift to cancel out the kinetic energy stored that will now manifest at the point of impact. Not a good theory but you learned something though unfortunately your new found wisdom of not a good idea is useless in that youre dead. It is only useful for those that witness the after-math. Every essay and document was written from the start at ground level first approach where the early flights were rough, not disastrous and, over time, smoothed out to be the perfect flying vehicle called truth. Doing the reading is ground school. If you try to get in the air from only reading the cover of the manual and a couple of brochures, I dont imagine your first flight will be much fun. A good pilot is one who knows their aircraft (you) inside and out, has done the ground school fully to understand the basic principles of flight (legal name ruse) where they are fearless in that knowledge. When you KNOW this knowledge you may still be unsure and only because youve never flown (tested) your aircraft yet but now you have the fundamentals and the mental training. Relax, I and many others have flown and are happy to assist you on your first solo flight. If you can turn off the programming but, what ifs long enough to actually listen, your flight instructors can help save you from the bucket list to give you the confidence from OUR experiences testing this aircraft from the barn and flapping buckets to soaring with the eagles. The choice is yours; do the ground school or go buy a pair of buckets and find a barn (legal remedy) because none of the instructors want to hear about your theories on impending disaster in that weve already been there and worked on nthe designs a bit more. The system is laden with bucket flyers called freeman, sovereign citizens, patriots, cops, lawyers, judges etc. called legal remedy system thatll keep you circling on the taxi-ways where youll never see the runway because youre still tied to the ground with a LEGAL NAME. Want your wings?.....lose the legal name, win the game...e fly with me, come fly lets fly away, kate.....
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:21:13 +0000

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