A girl who was in love that was never hers. This beautiful girl - TopicsExpress


A girl who was in love that was never hers. This beautiful girl whom i knew was so young, and was a gifted weaver. I knew her only after she often came to our house to take orders for weaving kira for my wife. She was so young and pretty just elder to my daughter by some years. She was an orphan and brought by by her uncle and aunty, that was the reason why she could not study. However, this young girl would earned more then any educated lot for cloths woven by the girl was in great demand, for her cloths had unique designs so intricately woven. Sometimes, she would stay back for months with us weaving cloths for my wife, but most of the time she would stay with her uncle and aunty. I would be amazed to see her, especially when she got inside her looms she would look more prettier then ever. The pretty weaver called us uncle and aunty, and we had develop some kind of very close relationship. As the days went by, i saw her grow into a beautiful woman and i knew she would be picked up any time now, by some one good and rich. For she was so pretty and looked one from a elite family and could never doubt an ordinary weaver. As expected the pretty weaver was already in love with a young boy, but a student and very poor who had lost both his parents when very young. The pretty weaver and the boy was in deeply love, that they decided to rent a house for themselves and decided to stay on their won. I am sure that they had such a wonderful life, for every time we met them we saw them so happy and always together. The boy still continued studying, and the pretty weaver supported the boy with the schooling expenses and with other necessity. The money that the pretty weaver got from her weaving was not only sufficient for their expenses but she could even save few thousands monthly, was what the pretty weaver had told my wife. Thereafter, we hardly met and the pretty weaver seldom came to our house. One day we saw her come to our house and to know that her husband had left for further studies to Sherubtsi college. We were quite happy to hear the news for we knew after her husband finishes his studies, they would surely have one of the best life there after. Life went on as usual, and i believe the pretty weaver always send monthly pocket money to her husband at the college, for the man was her future and had lots of expectations from him. The pretty girl always made a point to send at least two good woven cloths for her husband at the college. The pretty weaver and the boy could never let the day passed by without talking over the phone at least once in a day. They loved each other so much. But how true it can be, out of sight is out of mind is often so true. By the time the boy reached final year of his studies, the boy had met with another girl at the college much prettier then the pretty weaver. With the meeting of this new girl, the boy had even reduced calling to his wife, and rarely called home. This disturbed the pretty weaver, and she had all good reasons to doubt for there were many pretty girls and educated ones styding together with her husband. Truth is so strong and you can hardly hide. One day, due to some reasons the mobile phone of the pretty weavers husband was left with his new girl friend. The new girl friend hardly knew that her boy friend had wife back home. One day as the pretty weaver called up his husband, was quite surprise to hear a girl respond from her husbands phone. The pretty weaver was quite inquisitive and asked the girl, who she was. The girl as innocent as ever just said she was the girl friend of the owner of the phone. The answer gave a chilling and piercing affect to the doubtful heart of the pretty weaver. The pretty weaver felt as if the whole world was falling apart and she was just melting down. The pretty weaver knew that her life was doomed and finished now. This was narrated to my wife, when my wife met the pretty weaver at her worst. One day as i was just walking in the mid town, i happened to meet the pretty weaver, but half drunk and she looked so worn out and no more pretty. I just looked at her and asked if everything was fine with her for she looked so weak. She just looked at me and started crying and said that her dreams were shattered. I knew something was terribly wrong with her. Later at home, my wife told me about the sour relationship. I met the pretty weaver once again, but she was so drunk with a group of drunkards and she hardly recognized me. It pained me so much and i just wondered and asked myself, how can life be so fickle as this, at one time you have one of the happiest life but suddenly a life so changed and desperate as this. I know it has been very unfair and pity the pretty weaver, who gave up her youth and energy for a love that was never hers, was really sad and heart breaking. But i also know, there is someone above, always watching us and our intentions, to reap the fruit that we have sown, at the most appropriate time. The truth is you can hardly get away from the truth is so fair. My simple take as this if you like it.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:45:51 +0000

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