A good Muslim particularly if he is living in Gaza does not - TopicsExpress


A good Muslim particularly if he is living in Gaza does not dislike a Jew because he is a Jew, the Arab Muslim in Gaza who is mostly a person who has been displaced from Palestine from what has now become Israel,only does not like Israel which chased him from his land and has put him and his fellow Palestinians in a practically hermetically sealed space and on top of that is bombing his home. On the other side, Hamas hidden amongst the civilian population is pounding indiscriminately civilian targets in Israel . All Palestinians of whatever faith do not support Hamas, but given the equation on the ground when a Palestinian receives bombs on his face, when he is kept in a permanent state of dependance on supplies which Israel controls, can you blame him if he approves, supports and encourages those who give it back to the Israelis. The world and the Muslims in particular cannot approve of permanent aggression and retaliation . Those who suffer the most are the innocent ones-but can any one remain innocent for long in this inequal fight?- I would also like to emphasize the misinterpretation of this antagonism not only in India. This is not a simple war of religions, it is a war by the Palestinians (not by Muslims alone) against invaders who occupy by force their land, and those who are bombing their homes. It is very convenient for the West which discriminated against the Jews - to reduce this confrontation to a simple war between two faiths but when we have people in the Indian and other media who relay the same time worn picture, I believe that there is a sort of tacit conspiracy to overlook the truly wretched condition of the Palestinian cause. A people divided, a people deprived of their freedom fighting to have their place under the Sun. This is no war between faiths, this is the Palestinian people fighting for their rights against another nation which is fighting to impose its will on the Palestinians. My blood boils when I see in the press ignorant scribes talking of Muslims as being sworn enemies of Jews. No faith has sworn enemies.... Muslims around the world do have a sense of solidarity with their brethren in Palestine and elsewhere, but isnt that normal? That does not mean that they are Jew haters.. Jews are not sworn enemies of Islam which considers them as kitabi people of the book. The situation in Palestine has to be addressed. Why are the powerful Arab states not doing their bit to bring peace...... where is Indias voice in the United Nations? India definitely has a diplomatic role to play in this major crisis. Indian diplomacy probably has more chances of success than the attempts made by those weary western diplomats who keep globe-trotting between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Washington, Paris, London, Geneva and other capitals in search of an agreement which will silence the guns and the rockets. Palestine and Israel have to come to terms....one day or the other and the sooner the better.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:12:46 +0000

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