A good friend of mine lost his Mother this weekend. She passed - TopicsExpress


A good friend of mine lost his Mother this weekend. She passed after being in hospice less than 24 hours. I realize death is inevitable but theres soo much of it surrounding us. I look at fb and see the grieving of friends and family and even the sadness of senseless murders. Guess Im turning into a softie because everything makes me cry these days. In addition to all of lifes circumstances we cant control I see so many filled with hatred and the devil. We all need to stop letting evil in. Nobody is perfect. .and my promise to me is to be better today than yesterday. Instead of all the negative... think about your family, think about how youd feel if you didnt have them tomorrow. Life is too short for all the ignorance I scroll pass daily. Focus on whats important...gossip and tearing other people down surely is no ones purpose in life. Day by day make positive steps and have positive influence in others lives. This post isnt intended for any person in particular...ITS FOR US ALL. Have a fantastic day!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:01:25 +0000

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