A good friend sent me this link to this video. I thought I’d - TopicsExpress


A good friend sent me this link to this video. I thought I’d share the video with FB and give my thoughts on it, rather than just respond to my friend. So I’ll post what this priest said with my response to it and let you actually watch the video. But first… My friend doesn’t believe in god but says he’s not an atheist. Let me clear something up now, for the single proposition of “is there a god” the answer is True or False, Yes or No. There can be no other answers. And it’s the same with a theist. If you are a theist, you believe in a deity, BUT if you do NOT believe in god, you ARE an atheist. Forget anything in between because there can’t be anything in between. If you are not a theist, you are an atheist, period. It’s a single proposition with only two possibilities, theism or atheism. An atheist only means, “the disbelief or rejection of belief in any deity”. So get over it, you’re an atheist. Everyone is born an atheist. People are indoctrinated later. If you are a christian, you have been FED a lot of falsehoods, lies, decent, tales, bullshit, from pastors, the church, your parents, your bible. Do you really believe god sent two bears to kill 42 children because they teased one of his so-called prophets? And do you think its moral? I had a christian recently say YES to that. I’m tired of suffering fools. If you believe that, you’re an idiot and not worthy of even having a dialogue with a sane person. And I don’t believe most people believe it as I believe most christians have been sold “wishful thinking” instead of being taught to be a critical thinker. Now, on to the video… PRIEST> He believes in life after death. DWIGHT > He does not say how he comes to that conclusion. PRIEST> Religion is always in the control business. And that’s something people don’t understand. It’s a guilt producing control business. DWIGHT> I totally agree and have said this forever. PRIEST> He says that using heaven and hell will give you control over people, so the church created this fiery place to scare people. DWIGHT > Again, I’m in agreement. PRIEST> He says the church doesn’t like for people to grow up because you can’t control grownups and even the reference to being “born again” causes one to assume being a child. DWIGHT> Yes, the fear, the threat of hell vs. the rewards of heaven is the controlling factor. You ever remove just the fear part and the church falls on its face. PRIEST> He says people need to accept their responsibilities for themselves and the world. DWIGHT> Certainly agree. PRIEST> He says every church claims “we are the true church” with some ultimate authority and the idea that the truth of god can be bound in anything is beyond imagination. DWIGHT> Babble, nonsensical statements. PRIEST> He says god is not a christian; god is not a jew, a hindu, a Buddhist; as all of these are human systems. DWIGHT> Actually, they are all man-made is a better way to say it. PRIEST> He says the function of the Christ is not to rescue the sinners, but to empower you to be more human. DWIGHT> There is no evidence of a Christ, certainly not a son of god. PRIEST> He says that maybe salvation needs to be conveyed in enhancing your humanity rather than rescuing you from it. DWIGHT> Another nonsensical statement as I don’t find reason for needing a salvation (from what) although enhancing ones humanity is good. So I agree with some of his thoughts, but he still gets it wrong. Keep in mind that this priest is also making a bunch of assertions. For the person who is disenchanted with organized religion and the church, this priest is a breath of fresh air, but the priest is still living under a controlling authority, a god, AND WITHOUT A REASON to do so. As I don’t believe in a god because of a lack of credible evidence, we part paths. But this priest’s thinking will appeal to those riding the “spiritual” fence. I hate the word spiritual, as it conveys absolutely nothing. It’s a word for cowards. Its woo-woo land, magical, mystical, spooky, fogging ones mind, hiding truth. It’s a ridiculous meaningless word for those who are trying to run from the god/christian scene, but WANTS so badly to believe in an afterlife because it makes them feel better and comforts them. Its like the word “soul”. There is zero evidence in the science world or the world of modern medicine, that there is anything labeled a soul. Its made up and used by people of faith, (gullible people afraid of death). People want to believe so bad that there is a thing in them that identifies “who they are” and that somehow, when they die, this thing (soul) will leave the body and go on and exist in some afterlife. I just described a shit load of people, by the way, who are disgruntled with something so foolish as is Christianity. But folks, there is no reason to believe this and since its not proven by science, it is conjured up by credulous people and is nothing more than WISHFUL thinking. Look, I would love to enjoy living a long and healthy life, enjoy doing the things I love to do, here and in an afterlife. When I die from my cancer, do you not think that I would love to be in an afterlife, working with dogs, my dogs… be able to see my wife again? Being able to walk my pack, snow ski, ride my mtn bike? Make love with my wife? Have all the fun things just around the corner waiting for me in the afterlife? I would think that everyone can image that and want it but just because we WANT it doesn’t make it so. I’m real sorry that bugs some of you. Since we have zero proof of an afterlife, if we assert one, we are simply lying, making things up so that we can find a sliver of comfort when we think about death. But it’s a fallacy. Its an argument from ignorance. And christians are the worst as when you confront them with truth and they get backed up to “I don’t know”, they insert a god, magic, be it a Mormon god, Hindu, Muslim, God of Abraham, Zeus, Hades, Apollo etc., and this is all man-made, and based on no evidence so they just pull a god out of their ass. I care about what is true FOR ME and I believe everyone should care about truth. FAITH is NOT a pathway for finding truth, but it is a STOP SIGN. When one settles for accepting something without reason, justification, evidence, that isn’t intelligent. Its foolish. It’s a lie. I don’t believe in anything without reason, evidence. Nor should you. If you accept such a false belief, you will make decisions based on your beliefs and be prone to add more falsehoods into your life. That’s not healthy or practical.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:34:32 +0000

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