A good leader puts his/her people first and the opposite is very - TopicsExpress


A good leader puts his/her people first and the opposite is very true. Not long ago we heard judges and court staff were contemplating strike and the university lecturers too. We also heard the Ant Corruption Bureau staff had issued a seven day ultimatum to increase salaries or face strikes. Indeed not along ago we heard how some civil servants have their salaries delayed. But today we hear the head of state has increased his salary by 80%. Only three days ago he was donating a minibus to Dedza Secondary school claiming it is from his own money and K20 million for the school. Now when we link the two things together it doesnt make sense, it doesnt make sense to increase your salary as higher as 80% when you already have excess money that you can give away and extra money to buy a brand new minibus and donate. My humble question is who needs money here : the civil servants who are facing harsh realities of the sinking economy or the president who already pocketed K50 million from NAC and other millions from government departments? Where is leadership here when a president grabs monies for himself while the nation is poorer and poorer ? Where is leadership here when a state president converts a well respected state house to be a den of crooks and mafias forging documents and CCTV and passing to information minister making official statements ? Where is leadership here when people have a head of state who up to now has not declared his assets and is busy siphoning money from governments using his cronies with dubious agendas ? Which donor of sane mind can have confidence in a government where every document is being forged ? Now when we say putting the people first one would have expected the president to not increase his salary but focus on attending to the issues affecting civil servants , lectures, judiciary, water, sinking kwacha and so forth. It leaves a lot to be desired when we hear such selfish stories about a supposedly head of state.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 07:46:11 +0000

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