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A good one. Home | Authors | Books | Stories | Whats New | How to Get Involved T h e B a l d w i n P r o j e c t Bringing Yesterdays Classics to Todays Children @mainlesson Search This Site Only Aesops Fables by J. H. StickneyTable of ContentsThe Wolf and the LambThe Fox and the LionThe Dog and his ShadowThe Crab and his MotherThe Fox and the GrapesThe Wolf and the CraneThe Ants and the GrasshoppersThe Frogs who asked for a KingThe Donkey in the Lions SkinThe Mice in CouncilThe Kid and the WolfThe Hawk and the NightingaleThe Crow and the PitcherThe Ant and the DoveThe Ox and the FrogThe Bat and the WeaselsThe Fox and the GoatThe Woman and her HenThe Dog and the MangerThe Mouse, the Frog and the HawkThe Shepherds Boy and the WolfThe Fisherman and the Little FishThe Fox and the CrowThe Partridge and the FowlerThe Thirsty PigeonThe Three TradesmenThe Hares and the FrogsThe Eagle and the ArrowThe Eagle and the FoxThe Drum and the Vase of Sweet HerbsThe Two FrogsThe Lion and the MouseThe Mouse, the Cat, and the CockThe Ax and the TreesThe Jackdaw and the SheepThe Cat and the CockThe Wolf and the GoatThe Hen and the SwallowStone BrothThe Mule and the GrasshoppersThe Gnat and the BullThe Fox and a CrabThe Donkey and the FrogsThe Nurse and the WolfThe Cat and the MartinsThe Cock and the FoxThe Horse and his RiderThe Fox and the StorkThe Dog, the Cock, and the FoxThe Fly and the MothThe Boy BathingThe Hare and the TortoiseThe Arab and his CamelThe Fox who had lost his TailThe Boys and the FrogsThe Swallows and the Other BirdsThe Farmer and the SnakeThe Raven and the SwanThe Birds, the Beasts, and the BatThe Man, his Son, and his DonkeyThe Country Mouse and the City MouseThe Cock and the JewelThe Old HoundThe Vain JackdawThe Donkey and the Lap DogThe One-Eyed DoeThe CamelThe Wolf and the House DogThe Oak and the ReedThe Dog and the HareThe Hawk, Kite, and PigeonsThe War Horse and the MuleThe Wind and the SunThe Bear and the Two TravelersTwo GoatsThe Bull and the CalfThe Fawn and his MotherThe Mule and his ShadowThe Blind Man and the Lame ManThe Two PotsThe Quack FrogThe Wolf in Sheeps ClothingThe Boy and the FilbertsThe MiserThe Widow and her MaidsThe Charcoal Burner and the FullerThe Porcupine and the SnakesThe Bundle of SticksThe Mischievous DogThe Dog and the OysterThe Fox and the LeopardThe Dogs and the HidesThe Woodman and the TreesThe Milkmaid and her Pail of MilkThe Cat and the FoxThe Monkey and the CatThe Wolf and the ShepherdThe Wolf, the Fox and the ApeThe Blind Man and the WhelpThe Spendthrift and the SwallowThe Boar and the FoxHerecules and the WagonerThe Mules and the RobbersThe Swallow and the CrowJupiter and the BeeThe Two TravelersThe Kid and the WolfThe Gourd and the PineThe Hare and the HoundThe Owl and the GrasshopperThe Mule eating ThistlesThe Sick StagThe Wolf and the ShepherdsThe Boy and the NettleThe Hares and the FoxesMercury and the WoodmanThe Rat and the ElephantThe Husbandman and the StorkThe Satyr and the TravelerThe Stag at the LakeThe Peasant and the Apple TreeJupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and MomusThe Farthing RushlightThe Horse and the GroomThe Trumpeter taken PrisonerThe Boasting TravelerThe Hedge and the VienyardThe Mouse and the WeaselThe Wolf and the SheepThe Widow and her SheepThe Man and the LionThe LionessThe Boy who stole ApplesThe Goose with the Golden EggsThe Old Man and DeathA Father and his Two DaughtersA Sick Lion and the FoxThe Mountain in LaborJupiter and the CamelThe Moon and her MotherThe Horse and the StagThe Council held by the RatsThe Rain CloudThe Elephant in FavorThe Cuckoo and the EagleThe Fox in the IceThe Inquisitive ManThe Squirrel in ServiceThe Wolf and the CatNoteThe Wolf and the LambThe Fox and the LionThe Dog and his ShadowThe Crab and his MotherThe Fox and the GrapesThe Wolf and the CraneThe Ants and the GrasshoppersThe Frogs who asked for a KingThe Donkey in the Lions SkinThe Mice in CouncilThe Kid and the WolfThe Hawk and the NightingaleThe Crow and the PitcherThe Ant and the DoveThe Ox and the FrogThe Bat and the WeaselsThe Fox and the GoatThe Woman and her HenThe Dog and the MangerThe Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Shepherd Boy and the WolfThe Fisherman and the Little FishThe Fox and the CrowThe Partridge and the FowlerThe Thirsty PigeonThe Three TradesmenThe Hares and the FrogsThe Eagle and the FoxTwo new titles every week when you join Gateway to the Classics THE MAN, HIS SON, AND HIS DONKEY AMAN and his Son were once driving their Donkey along a country road, to sell him at the fair. They soon passed some girls, who were drawing water at a well.Look, said one of the girls; see those silly people trudging along in [101] the dust, while their Donkey walks at his ease.The Man heard what they said, and put his boy on the Donkey’s back. They had not gone far before they came to some old men.See here, now, said one of them to the others, this shows that what I said is true. Nowadays the young take no care of the old. See this boy riding while his poor old father has to walk by his side.Hearing this, the Man told his Son to get down, and he mounted the Donkey himself. In a little while they met three women with children in their arms.For shame! said the women. How can you let that poor boy walk when he looks so tired, and you ride like a king?[102] The Man then took the boy up behind him on the saddle, and they rode on to the town. Just before they got there, some young men stopped them and said:Is that Donkey yours?Yes, said the Man.One would not think so, said they, by the way you load him. You look more fit to carry him than he to carry you.So the Man and the boy got off, tied the Donkey’s legs with a rope, fastened him to a pole, and, each taking one end of the pole, carried him along, while everyone they met laughed outright.By and by they came to a bridge. Then the Donkey began to kick, and breaking the rope, fell into the water and was drowned.[103] The old Man and his Son made their way home as best they could, thinking to themselves, When we try to please everybody, we please nobody. Table of Contents | Index | Previous: The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat | Next: The Country Mouse and the City MouseCopyright (c) 2000-2012 Yesterdays Classics, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:14:55 +0000

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