A great Christmas message for all. I’m sure you’re just like - TopicsExpress


A great Christmas message for all. I’m sure you’re just like Karen and I. We’ve both had our fair share of crosses to bear. Deep scars and wounds from our past and present that we thought would never heal. Maybe you can relate? Perhaps some of your wounds are old. - A parent abused you mentally or physically... - A teacher cheated you... - A spouse or mate betrayed you... Or perhaps the wounds are new, fresh, and painful... ... so now the fire of anger is boiling inside of you. - The friend who owes you money just drove by in a new car... - The boss who promised promotion and a raise forgot your name... - A close family member cut you down and made you look like a fool... And now you are hurt. - One part of you is broken. Another part of you is bitter. - One part of you wants to break down and cry. The other part of you wants to FIGHT. There is a fire burning in your heart. But there’s typically one big problem: it’s grounded in the emotion of anger. And now you’re left with the most important decision of your life. “Do I put the fire out or do I pour gas on it and make it explode?” “Do I get over it or do I get even instead?” “Do I release it… or do I resent it?” “Do I let my scars heal… or do I let this anger turn into hate?” We all know that unfaithfulness is wrong. That revenge is bad. But without forgiveness bitterness is all that’s left. And that’s what TODAY is all about: the gift of forgiveness. You see… - If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. - If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent a scientist or a computer. - If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent an economist or a treasure map. But since our greatest need is forgiveness, God sent us a Savior. His name? Jesus Christ and today we celebrate his birthday. Today is the day we remember WHY the sins of our past and present are forgiven. That no matter how many times we’ve screwed up it’s ok. We can start over with a fresh slate. Today is the day we let go of all guilt and celebrate that we don’t have to be a victim of our past or present hurts. Today is the day to celebrate eternal life and peace on earth. I know, I know. I’m not talking about Santa Clause, Christmas Gifts and Candy Canes. And truth be told, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with ANY of these Christmas traditions. But it’s not what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is about. I know sometimes it’s hard for many of us to wrap our head around the ways of God and the mystery that is Jesus Christ. After all, his thoughts and ways are so far beyond our comprehension. Like, not even in the same neighborhood. We’re thinking…preserve the body. Jesus is thinking…save the soul. We dream of a pay raise. Jesus dreams of raising the dead. We avoid pain and seek pleasure. Jesus uses pain to bring peace. We think, “I’m going to live before I die.” Jesus instructs us, “Die, so you can live.” We love what rusts and decays. Jesus loves what endures. We rejoice at our successes. Jesus rejoices at our confessions. We say, “Be like Mike.” Jesus says, “Be like me.” Just like the memories you create today with your earthly family you love so dearly. You were born into His family. 43 years into this life and I can tell you ONE thing I’m absolutely 110% positive about. My life is 100x better WITH Jesus Christ, than without Him. I believe with all my heart yours will be too (if it’s not already). In closing, I’d like to let you know there is not a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate you and pray for you. But it’s especially at this time of year my thoughts of gratitude are extended to those who make my dream job a reality. To all of you who read my daily newsletters... Thank You! To all of you who watch my videos... Thank You! To all of you who give us the valuable feedback we need to keep getting better and help you more... Thank You! And especially to the dozens of you that have shared your hearts with real life success stories in 2014... Thank You! I cannot emphasize enough how fortunate I consider myself to be inspired, day after day, by people like you. It’s YOUR commitment and feedback that drives me daily and gives me the motivation to do what I do. So one more time from the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU and Merry Christmas. And last, but definitely not least, thanks to Max Lucado for inspiring me to write this message... ... and THANK YOU Jesus for saving me. Merry Christmas to you and Happy Birthday to my Mentor, my Savior, and my King. Today, there is no better time to remember the BEST Christmas gift we’ve EVER been given… ... The gift of forgiveness. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14-15) So if you want to have your best year EVER in 2015, always remember: the first.jpg These timeless principles hold true for EVERY one of us, whether you’re Christian, Jewish, atheist, or anything in between. Your friend and coach for life, Shaun “forgiven” Hadsall ---------------------------------------------------------- Shaun Hadsall, Body Transformation Expert and Fat Loss Coach Body For Life Grand Champion 1st Runner-Up (1998) Voted Americas Most-Fit Health & Fitness Pro, Club Solutions Magazine
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:07:08 +0000

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