A great day for the flock Down Under. Most Rev. Anthony Fisher, - TopicsExpress


A great day for the flock Down Under. Most Rev. Anthony Fisher, OP, was named archbishop of Sydney, succeeding George Cardinal Pell. Then-bishop Fisher spoke here on campus in 2008, delivering the Henkels Lecture at the Bioethics Conference titled Moral Conviction vs. Political Pressure. Being in the days before the HHS Mandate, little did we then know how timely a topic it was. The press release that followed the conference started with the following two paragraphs: The Institute of Bioethics at Franciscan University of Steubenville hosted a conference titled, “Moral Conviction vs. Political Pressure,” October 9 to 11 on the University’s campus. Health care providers and students from 13 states attended the three-day conference on how Catholics can engage the culture on today’s most important and controversial medical issues. Most Reverend Anthony Fisher, OP, auxiliary bishop of Sydney, Australia, professor of bioethics and moral theology at the John Paul II Institute and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, delivered the Henkels Lecture on the topic, Cooperation, Condoms, and HIV. Bishop Fisher explored the rationale behind the Catholic Churchs opposition to condom use and why Catholic institutions could not cooperate with any program that promotes condom use—even those that emphasize abstinence first. He said, It’s never the role of the Church, its agencies, pastors, or members to help people do wrong things more efficiently or safely. sydneycatholic.org/news/latest_news/2014/2014918_1099.shtml
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:37:12 +0000

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