A great little animation about the impact of humans or as I saw it - TopicsExpress


A great little animation about the impact of humans or as I saw it more unregulated Capitalist Consumerism. My thoughts in response to someone earlier this evening I include. You dont have to indulge me but feel free to read on and leave your thoughts. Thanks Stephen Ford I am a deep passionate lover of education and science in particular. But the reality is (as they said in the video) we live in a culture that just thinks about today. Well in great part that is true in a corporate sense. I think citizens are much more involved in making change for a long term future. Here is the point of sharing that little animation. The character in that animation is not humanity as much as the machine of mass consumption that the industrial world created to keep us buying more and more things to keep their factories growing. The people at the top the 1% are living in the now. They really do not believe they have to worry about the future. They suffer from an addiction which is their religion, their religious text is their Stock Portfolio and they worship it constantly. The numbers in these peoples personal accounts are so high that it is completely abstract, but it has a value. It is a number and they are only happy when that number goes up. They stop caring about society, the environment, the future. It is all about whose on top. They buy politicians so they can create loopholes to stop sharing their wealth, they have their politicians subsidize their industries with our tax dollars and then they search for the cheapest labor to make even more profit, which they will not share with those below (Trickle Down theory failed). I do not believe that these people care about immortality as you do. They have already passed their wealth on for 3 generations in some cases. Their bank account is immortal for them. They may pass but that number is still so high it is invincible. It is the job of the next generation to keep that number growing not just for them but to honor their fathers lustful addiction. IE the Koch Brothers and the Waltons. The Waltons have 40% of our nations wealth between 6 members of their family. If they refused to accept another penny of personal profit they would all die Billionaires, but instead they refuse to pay their workers a livable wage and force us to pay the difference in Social Programs such as Food Stamps, which they then have Congress vote down as well. The 1% is full of very mentally disturbed sociopaths twisted by greed. The Defense Industry is the biggest welfare recipient in this country. We gave contractors $740 Billion dollars last year, to make things we already have in surplus. Surplus to the point that they have to find means to get rid of them to make room for new stock. This is a big reason we are once again being pushed into going to war. Our Police forces were permitted to buy surplus with our tax dollars. Remember it was our tax dollars that paid to have them built and now we pay for them a second time. Then they are used on us. We would already have made the leap and lead the way with renewable energy had Ronald Reagan not been wrapped up with the Oil Industry. Carter had solar panels on the White House, GM had already made a working electric car. It is hard to move forward when the people at the top are getting rich of products that we wish to quit.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:45:28 +0000

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