A great many of you know this already but for the benefit of those - TopicsExpress


A great many of you know this already but for the benefit of those who do not and the mental excercise for myself Id like to dedicate this post to addressing the confusion over the modern inhabitants of Israel, the tribe of Judah and British Israelism. Let me first say that I have nothing but fond regard for the BI camp of the Euro/Anglo Israelism. It was scholars of their particular persuasion who did so much of the foundational research we all utilize so effectively today in the advancement of this critical truth at such a time as this where it is so obscure to and estranged from the world. But as do most iconic groups and leaders of the past, they brought some baggage with them--namely the clinging to the notion that the modern inhabitants of Israel today are indeed who they claim to be and are the modern Judahites of the southern kingdom. Given the exceptional scholarship of notable BI scholars such as J.H. Allen, William Bennet, and William Pascoe Goard, this has always baffled me. Had these men been as diligent in their studies of the histories of those people as they have been of the histories of our own, it is not merely up for debate, but a undeniable fact that they would have reached the inescapable conclusion that the modern inhabitants of Israel are not the people of Jeremiah 31:31 but rather the people of Revalation 2:9 and 3:9. Its also hard to get past the fact that the BI position is the politically moderate one that could potentially be exempt from the ever feared charges of anti semitism that are levied against all who take any sort of position contrary to ones espoused by the so-called jews of today. Its not out of some arrogant condescension, but my rather my high regard for these men that I therefore conclude that their assertions regarding the joos and their identity were misguided by a spirit of compromise (however subtle it may have been) that compels so many a great man to stop short of hardcore truth under the auspices of all manner of high minded rhetoric. But the facts remain, and so, lamentably does this mixed legacy that I have felt compelled to address today. The BI position is quite simple to discern the veracity of really. And that is the meat of this post: To explain in a simple, straight-forward manner how this is so. The thing that makes the contributions of BI scholars of the past so invaluable is the diligence they gave to studying our history and studying the scriptures. It was out of this that the discoveries of the information on the Behistun Rock and the Rosetta Stone were discovered, the means by which the migrations of our dispersed ancestors could be traced and the heraldric connections as well. But somewhere along the line, that remarkable diligence was deviated from, for the comprably well-documented history of the Khazar people was overlooked and written off by these same scholars, which reveals in works like the Encyclopedia Judaica that the khazars are NOT a semitic people. How then is it possible, that the joos of today are the Judahites of the bible?? It is simply not. Secondly, the joos of today fulfill nary a single prophecy pertaining to Judah (there are dozens, by a conservative, off the cuff estimate) We would be in a more difficult position perhaps were there no one else to point to as the true Judahites, but this is not the case at all. The Germanic people fulfill the pre-requisites rather well. Perhaps the finest example of this being what Mr. Allen himself acknowledged in his book Judahs Sceptre and Josephs Birthright about how the Germans fulfill the critical, the sceptre shall not depart from Judah prophecy in that throughout the whole of Europe, members of the monarchies of the different nations have ALL had germanic blood in them. Incredible though this may sound it is well-proven as the monarchs of Europe have always meticulously documented their geneaology. I am sure that more could be said on this, that I overlook or am simply not aware of at this stage of my learning, but these considerations alone thoroughly negate any seriousness with which such notions as any Israelitish origins of the inhabitants of Israel today should be taken in, by any diligent truth seeker. To such claims I would say (much like the elderly lady from that old fast food commercial) wheres the beef? And by beef I mean prophetic fulfillment and cultural and historical ties. ;)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:43:31 +0000

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