A group of retired Kiwi rugby league stars have joined their - TopicsExpress


A group of retired Kiwi rugby league stars have joined their Australian counterparts by speaking about playing through concussion and the fear the ‘‘tough guy’’ culture in league may mean they have suffered irreparable damage. The admissions come following a week of soul-searching for both union and league players after former Manly bruiser Ian Roberts revealed that concussion suffered during his playing days had left him brain damaged. The NRL has clamped down this year on how suspected concussion suffered during a game is treated, introducing a 15-minute assessment period for players who have sustained a heavy knock to the head. Advertisement But retired Kiwi league stalwarts, including renowned hard men Awen Guttenbeil, Tawera Nikau, Wairangi Koopu and Tony Kemp, say it has come too late for players of their eras. Guttenbeil, who played 170 games for the Warriors and 10 tests for the Kiwis before he retired in 2008, said there were times during his career when he would be ‘‘running around and just seeing stars’’. ‘‘Everything was blurry but I’d keep pushing on because I didn’t want to let my teammates down,’’ he said. He had suffered occasional memory loss but, until recently, had put it down to old age. ‘‘You do start to question it. But I took to the field knowing that there was a risk involved and that concussions were part of the game.’’ Former Kiwis international Nikau, an uncompromising forward for the Cronulla Sharks and Melbourne Storm in the 1990s, said there were ‘‘plenty of times’’ when he could not remember finishing a game after being hit in the head. ‘‘From that era that we played in, a lot of guys, I think, played with concussion,’’ he said. Nikau said he suffered from memory loss ‘‘now and again’’. ‘‘I definitely think there is some correlation between what happened on the field and some of the memory loss we had over the years.’’ Nikau said he was confident the right moves were being made by the NRL. ‘‘The game is so fast and so much quicker and with such a high impact now, and the NRL must have a duty of care to make sure players are OK.’’ Former Kiwi test player and Warriors coach Kemp said about 80 per cent of the time he was playing he was ‘‘seeing stars – one of the symptoms of concussion’’. ‘‘And I wasn’t alone, he said. That was, I hasten to say, the nature of the contact sport I played in the 1980s and early ‘90s.’’ Kemp said there was a ‘‘tough-guy culture’’ in rugby league and nobody really understood the dangers associated with concussion, both short-term and long-term, when he was playing. He said he ‘‘undoubtedly’’ struggled with memory loss at times. ‘‘Was it all those head knocks that have battered my brain around? Or is it just hereditary? The truthful answer is that I really don’t know.’’ Koopu, who wore headgear for much of his career after suffering several facial injuries, said it often seemed to come down to luck as to whether a player would suffer ill effects from a head knock after retiring. ‘‘I know a lot of players who have walked away from the game with no issues at all and then there are others who perhaps took a bit too much punishment and have been affected quite badly,’’ he said. The former league stars all said they knew of retired players who had also battled with issues like depression since hanging up their boots. John Mayhew, the Warriors’ medic and former All Blacks doctor, has been at the forefront of changes in the NRL. Mayhew is one of 16 doctors on a medical advisory group for the NRL that meets a couple of times a year. He said medical staff had managed concussion as ‘‘best as we can’’ for the past 10 to 20 years, however a lack of data made it hard to see the impact on former players. ‘‘It’s hard to say whether what is happening with a player’s brain as they get older is just because they are getting older or because of injury,’’ he said. Mayhew said one of the biggest changes had been the attitude towards the sport and players. ‘‘That sort of cavalier, tough guy, ‘a real man would be knocked out and get up’ was to be applauded at one time. That is not to be applauded. ‘‘There is a consequence to recurrent head injuries so we are just trying to make the game safe.” Mayhew said prominent players coming forward had put the issue in the spotlight. ‘‘In the non-medical field people are aware of it now – a lot of the professional athletes and their families are aware of the dangers of head injuries. I think there is now a general awareness . . . that it is not a good thing to be knocked out and to carry on playing.’ Read more: smh.au/rugby-league/league-news/kiwi-league-stars-tell-of-concussion-fears-20140315-hvj4i.html#ixzz2w61eO4cR
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:20:47 +0000

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