A guiding principle of our society from its creation to its - TopicsExpress


A guiding principle of our society from its creation to its present is that we are a nation of laws and not of men. I respect the acquittal verdict in the George Zimmerman case in Florida. The system worked -- and I would write or say the same thing if the verdict had gone the other way. The decision in this case was not made by the government through the police, prosecutor, or judge. It was not decided in the streets by crowds arguing one side or the other. It was made by six citizen jurors – representatives of you and me – in a courtroom after hearing the evidence presented by both sides in the conflict. Now it is up to me and you. Pray for the young man who died too young and for his family that mourns his loss. Pray for George Zimmerman and his family as they move on from this eventful day. Finally, be thankful in your prayers those six citizen jurors who heard all of the evidence and thank them for their service in upholding a cornerstone of our free society. cnn/2013/07/13/justice/zimmerman-trial/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:33:20 +0000

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