A head of a Yeshiva in Jaffa posted this message (and I am ROUGHLY - TopicsExpress


A head of a Yeshiva in Jaffa posted this message (and I am ROUGHLY paraphrasing into English ): The Rosh Yeshiva says, One of my students who I havent heard from in many years contacted me today to ask where I study Torah. I was surprised by his question, since I know for sure that he is not observing Torah and mitzvot. So, I asked him why he wanted to know, and this was his response I received back (I am not allowed to give his name): I observed the hand of Gd today with my own eyes. Now I know FOR SURE that there is a Gd!! No one told it to me...I didnt hear it from someone else...I saw this happen with my own eyes. I am an integral part of the iron dome operation. What we do here is an exact science and I cannot give many details of what we do. The other day we knew that a missile was headed directly for Tel Aviv...aimed at one of the 3 big towers, a shopping center in the middle of the city. We sent up one missile to intercept it, and we missed. We sent a second one, and we missed. We sent a third one to intercept...and we missed. Something even remotely like this has never happened any other other time ever that I am aware of. We are very exact and very good at what we do. We do not miss. So to miss 3 times is not possible. By this time, disaster was eminent. We alerted all of the emergency crews within and around Tel Aviv to evacuate, but by this time there was little that could be done. Their missile was only minutes from detonation. We began the procedure of sending off one final missile to try and intercept it just before it came down, but we knew that casualties would still be imminent. Now, you must understand, our calculations based on physics and aerodynamics and weather (wind, atmosphere, humidity) are complete...there is NOTHING we dont take into account. This is how it is able to work so precisely. But all of a sudden, as we were scrambling to do anything and everything we could to save Tel Aviv, all of a sudden OUT OF NOWHERE came up a huge wind...one that was not on the radar...one that DID NOT EXIST before...and blew the missile from over Tel Aviv all the way into the Sea and dropped it off exactly safely into the water where no one was injured!!! You must understand...there was NO WIND...and then there was A HUGE WIND. This is not a couple of inches of a move that any gentle breeze could influence...this is MILES. It was nothing other than the hand of Gd!! I saw it with my very own eyes!!! The wind was not there before and it was not there after. It didnt come from somewhere, it came from NOWHERE. And after it moved the missile to the sea, it disappeared! So, after seeing this, I can no longer deny the existence of Gd. I put tfellin on right after this, and I took upon myself to keep Shabbat. Yesterday was my first Shabbat to keep and it was the best Shabbat of my life.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:42:59 +0000

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