A housekeeping update from your moderators. Thanks to so many of - TopicsExpress


A housekeeping update from your moderators. Thanks to so many of you, this group is a go-to resource for people who want to stay on top of patient harm news. Our goal is to ensure this remains a place for people to follow and discuss patient safety issues constructively, and that folks have the opportunity to be heard. Starting today, we’ll be experimenting with a new moderation setting with this in mind. Going forward, all posts will require moderator approval before they are visible to the group. This means ProPublica moderators will be evaluating the relevancy, tone and quality of posts *before* they are published. This won’t affect commenting at all; you’ll still be able to respond to posts freely or flag comments for admin review. Link “blasts” (i.e. flooding the group with many links at once), ALL CAPS notes and links without comment/context are discouraged. Our hope is that we can keep a better handle on spammy or off-topic posts before they publish, and improve the quality of discussion for everyone. Questions? Concerns? Please shoot us a note at [email protected] or let us know what your think in the comments below. On another note! Tomorrow is also Blair Hickmans last day at ProPublica and as moderator of this group. Please wish her well as she begins an exciting new job at the nonprofit news site, The Marshall Project.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:10:06 +0000

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