A journey that commenced at the peak of twentys past;A journey - TopicsExpress


A journey that commenced at the peak of twentys past;A journey full of much to cheer and reflect;A journey filled with prospects of a future condensed in a body prepared. Its been a slight below triple decade and its been GRACE all through. I made mistakes,blew opportunities,got some people hurt,did somethings nastily and unthoughtfully.May have failed severally,yet far and unreachably not a failure. Through it all, Ive learnt alot,part of which are: 1. How not to do lots of things again 2. How to do most things and succeed 3. Forgetting the details but learning the lesson 4. That nothing survives outside functional relationship 5. Never to enthrone personal interest above cooperate interest I can go on and on and on.... I use today to sincerely apologize to those that were hurt,in any way,by me,my actions,dispositions and even inactions.I may have never taken notice of it,BUT I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE. THEN, I also wanna use this medium to appreciate those whos lives have really touched mine and blessed it,in this my brief,yet inexhausted tabernacle on earth.I will resist the temptation to list names,individually,cos it will amount to the production of an encyclopaedia. However,I will mention the various institutional-commissions that have been instrumental to my growth and the men behind the podium. #GOD sent me,gave me grace,despite my weaknesses and still professes His trust in me.He didnt substitute me at my fall,but raised me up with my faith and redirected my focus.FATHER I LOVE YOU.YOU ARE MY LIFE.I THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FATHER. #MYFAMILY has been wonderful.Thank you Dad&Mum,REV&MRS LUKE UCHECHUKWU NNABUIHE for beckoning on,welcoming and nurturing me to the place of your pronoun.You gave me the best within your reach.MUM,you are incomparably domesticated,industrious and loyal.You taught me well.My siblings are classic #FECA gave me a foot-start and taught me diligence,respect in leadership #CASOR brought me to the place of responsibility in leadership. #AGNIGERIA thanks for the morals,and providing your tithes,offerings,seeds,harvest from where I was fed. #AGWORSHIPCENTER thanks for being bith a learning field and a platform to fulfil ministry in loyalty and love.My very own Pastor,Friend,Prophet,Boss and Teacher Pst Francis Udeh Jnr has been my motivator,mentor,connector and accelerator.Working with and under him has brought me to the place of excellence and speed. The future is appropriate!!! As I step out the second decade-end into the next,I speak one thing... GRACE!!! IN HIM I LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE MY BEING Acts 17:28 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME BOTH INDIVIDUALLY&COLLECTIVELY
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:15:44 +0000

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