A joyful heart brightens one’s face, but a troubled heart breaks - TopicsExpress


A joyful heart brightens one’s face, but a troubled heart breaks the spirit. An understanding heart seeks knowledge; but fools feed on folly. All the days of the needy are hard, but a happy heart has a continual feast. Better a little with fear of the Lord than a great treasure with turmoil. Better a meal of greens with love than a plump calf with hate. Hotheads stir up conflict, but patient people calm down strife. The path of the lazy is like a hedge of thorns, but the way of those who do right is a clear road. A wise child brings joy to a father, but fools despise their mothers. Folly is joy to those who lack sense, but those with understanding walk straight ahead. Plans fail with no counsel, but with many counselors they succeed. To give an appropriate answer is a joy; how good is a word at the right time! For those with insight, life is an upward path, avoiding the grave below. The Lord snatches away the arrogant one’s house, but he preserves the widow’s boundaries. The Lord detests evil plans, but gracious words are pure. Those who acquire things unjustly gain trouble for their house, but those who hate bribes will live. The righteous heart reflects before answering, but the wicked mouth blurts out evil. The Lord is far from the wicked, but he listens to the prayers of the righteous. Bright eyes give joy to the heart; good news strengthens the bones. The ear that listens to life-giving correction dwells among the wise. Those who refuse discipline despise themselves, but those who listen to correction gain understanding. The fear of the Lord is wise instruction, and humility comes before respect. (Proverbs 15:13-33 CEB)
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:56:22 +0000

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