A killer on the road. I took the road from Cedar city which goes - TopicsExpress


A killer on the road. I took the road from Cedar city which goes against Panace in Neavada over Nire size I New Castle. In the morgning I was to Cedar cycles, they did not have the tire size I need 1.75. After I cycle from the shop I noticed my pulds was low 74 and odd heart so I assume there proberbly was poisend in the water on the Motel 7 I was taying on, wonder if true, ?! any one check it ?. I guess twin try to say it. The traffic to New Castle was crasy in parts somewhere in a turn a truck with hanger was overtaking a car, if I had not been standing in the road size I would have been much longer forward and not so lucky, I assume the truck later hit the curb and break in to fire, crasy drive on speed. I go into the gasstation for 5 minutes and buy a sanwice and energybar. Which I go out to eat. I remmeber I need Nevada map and go in again get the map and stand behind a Mexican with a tatoo to pay for the map. I later discover I should just have taken arround the his neck for all cases and broken it with a snap. Why when I get out I discover the air have been taken out of my rear tire as seen of the pictures. As seen of the picture a knife like thing have been put into the tire, he could as well put have tried to put it into me if I had got out to early from the shop. I shift the tire, had to shift to old tire I allready shifted to my new tire. Several guys come by strange this is New Castle with only a gas station the road workers talk strange like its ok to drive cyclist over and put knifes into them and there cycle. Later a Egon/Rene Jørgensen like guy comes by he is not fit like the one in Buan Vista. Put he put the wrong question how much milage I put on my tire, only a touring cyclist with ask about that and not if I had puntured. I say he is nuts and ask if his UN car had been shot at like in Syria. Man and white car on the picture. He later drive the car to the back of the gas station I guess to talk to the Mexican guy, which I guess is in family with the Mexican in Durango Motel. The Mexican guy proberbly later drive very close to me in a black truck car with a painted bufola on the back, see satelit from back gas station, the white car proberbly also later do the same. I have conclue the Egon like character actually since I did enter Utah have aranged for killing attemps against my person and cycle with cars, persons and poisend from Karen Jørgensen. The Albino man must also have used extensive a drone to direct the cars, its easy to check with a satelit. The cars hit in both sides at my cycle on roads with not much traffic, they much change the speed to get it to fit. Ellen dyt Edde proberbly drive arround red car. I took the road against St George after New Castle to fine a cycle shop or Wallmart. The Egon like character have proberbly been promissed cheap clean kokain (for Brian head ?) and support of drones. He have proberbly prommised the Mexican guy only a fine instead of Jail. He said he was layor (haha) and would fine me if I put him on facebook(He must have confused a layor with a police man), I guess him and Rene Jørgensen have partitioned in sister Renee(its not Rene) kinapping and that Rene Jørgensen is actually is very dangerougs, he is proberbly willing to shot both as signed and my sister even though non of us really know him. He have proberbly learned to shoot a sniper riffel like Ole Mattisen. I believe Ole Mattisen drives arround with the Albino man after me in a white car. Kirsten was also here and in Cedar Rapids. Following persons from Denmark believe following after me to kill me, Karen Jørgensen, Ole son lort, Anna Nyrup, Dad man Knud and his american brother, Erling Andersen fra Skalbjerg, dvs Yuni typer, carlo 2, etc, proberbly most on false sweedish pasports. Funny enhough the cycle shop owner in Cedar rapis looked a bit like the Paul from amager which did run a rround with a Kanaslicov or something like that (from Jyllands posten last year or something like that).
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:30:24 +0000

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