A leading member of The Patriot, a socio-political group, - TopicsExpress


A leading member of The Patriot, a socio-political group, Professor Ben Nwabueze, has said that without a legal framework and mode of operation, the national conference may fail. At a briefing in Lagos, Professor Nwabueze appealed to the Presidency and the National Assembly to come up with a framework to ensure the success of the proposed national conference. He said: I have worry and concern over the national conference. I can see trouble looming ahead and it is not a fantasy. There is a showdown looming between the people of Nigeria, on the one hand and the Presidency and the National Assembly on the other hand. He, however, faulted the plan by the National Assembly, to harmonise the positions on constitution amendment saying it will lead to a showdown between the lawmakers and Nigerians. He explained that Nigerians want a conference that will bring about a new conference, that will embody the terms and conditions by which diverse cultures, ethnic nationalities can live together in peace, progress and unity. That is the conception of Nigerians. It is a conference for ethnic nationalities to discuss and adopt a new constitution that will embody the terms and conditions by which they can live together. Cant you see trouble looming ahead? People want one thing but the Presidency and the National Assembly want a completely different thing. Wont that lead to a showdown? He maintained that the national conference may end in futility if the Presidency and the National Assembly fail to legalise the process. His words: The people of this country are known to be docile but when you push them to the wall, they will react and their reaction will be a showdown between them and the authorities. To demonstrate that the Presidency is genuine and sincere about setting up a national conference, you need a legal framework for the conference. The conference cannot take off without a legal framework. You need a law legalising the national conference. You also need a law authorising the referendum because people cannot go about holding a referendum without a law backing it.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:47:40 +0000

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