A lengthened incubation for Ebola plus a 50 day life span? The - TopicsExpress


A lengthened incubation for Ebola plus a 50 day life span? The stage is being set for something awful. There are new claims out, as the result of a new study that Ebola can survive on surfaces for up to 50 days under winter conditions. That would make it perfect for a massive outbreak scenario. All of this I believe is PATENT B.S. with regard to real Ebola, but we need to look at the scenario they are building so we can prepare for it, and then try to find a possible motive. The scenario: In an effort to be fair, free, and open as a society, we let the monster in. We believed at first that it was a tropical disease that could not handle the cold and survive in America and we were wrong. America in fact ended up being the perfect location for Ebola, and with Americas cold winter, Ebola has lept its natural barriers and landed in a catastrophic location. America is going to die if everyone does not get vaccinated. Can you imagine them saying this? I sure can. In fact, with the way they are trending things, It looks to me like this is precisely the goal. Alex Jones has warned the following, and Alex, despite what some may think, has ALWAYS had his vaccine info match perfect with medical professionals I know personally who warn about vaccines - professionals who even helped with the article Tainted Nightmare. So if Alex is saying :Ebola Vaccine has Plague Virus [Deadly Bird Flu] Implanted. Panicky Public Clamor for a Vaccine Against Ebola will Trick People Into Triggering Global Bird Flu Contagion. I would say it is spot on, Alex has not screwed up with this before, I have not screwed up with this before, and having it be BIRD FLU INSTEAD OF EBOLA WOULD MATCH THE SYMPTOMS IN LIBERIA. Bill Deagle has made a very clear statement based on insider information that Americas population will be reduced to around 60 million over the next 10 years. Baxter has already tried to make this happen with an intentionally tainted batch of H1N1 vaccine. Folks, a prediction like this could not come to fruition unless a plan was in place to do it, this is actually important especially considering what a corrupt insider Deagle is, THEY HAVE TRIED IT BEFORE, THEY WILL TRY IT AGAIN. David Hodges covered this, take a look and take a warning: THE SHOT WILL BE THE DISEASE. Scientific study that claims Ebola can live 50 days on a hard surface is HERE nesaranews.blogspot/2014/10/a-lengthened-incubation-for-ebola-plus.html
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:28:09 +0000

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