A lengthy post but I want to share some highlights of the - TopicsExpress


A lengthy post but I want to share some highlights of the background of the “courtroom testimony) Many thanks for all your prayers and well wishes regarding my courtroom situation. Had no idea to what extent your prayers, strength and well-wishes would be required. The Judge wouldn’t allow my testimony today because the Prosecution was not prepared to cross examine! OK God! Anyhow, as I was waiting to testify, the Attorney finally introduced me to the three other witnesses (all clinicians who had intervened in the life of this defendant at some point in his life). When the first person was directed to the courtroom and as he was saying his intervention happened during the defendant’s high school years, I SAW RED!! I don’t anger easily and I knew ME on the stand at that time, would be out of character! There is little that angers me more than injustices to people unequipped to speak or provide for themselves…… If this clinician had worked with the defendant while he was in high school WHY had I not known of him, why was I unable to collaborate with this person while I was struggling to counsel and provide services for this defendant throughout the high school and several years of college period! Why didn’t the high school cooperate with me….. All these things flying through my head as this person was in the courtroom – this defendant’s life may have been different, if assigned people had stepped up to the plate. So much counseling and praying and referring… Well, the judge wouldn’t allow this clinician to testify either, when he returned to the waiting area, you know I “grabbed” more than his attention! I wanted some answers (yes, I was Godly and Professional)….. We talked at length; I believe he was/is as hurt as I am….. he was never told about our program and the assistance I could have provided for him as he labored to find solutions for this defendant’s emotional and psychological health. Now I see, I didn’t go to testify; I was sent to meet and talk with this gentleman/clinician. People fail, systems fail people but there is a Sovereign God who never fails. This defendant’s life will forever be shaped by a decision he made 14 years ago but I believe when it is time for both the testimonies, the clinician and I will say something that will change the defendant’s status and enable him to live out the rest of his life more peaceably. Timing is everything, thank you God! Pray for this person/defendant, please just refer to him as Brother RD – the case was at one time, high profile, so no names……
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:23:06 +0000

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