A lesson learnt.......U do not need to teach everything to a child - TopicsExpress


A lesson learnt.......U do not need to teach everything to a child , there are few things which surfaces itself if the child has interest in that. This summer vacation my 10 year old son was asked to write a poem on his favourite things as a holiday homework for English. He kept on struggling to find words which can be made into a poem and requested me to do this task for him. To which I refused as I wanted him to take the initiative and then i offered to help him to arrange his thoughts. My eldest one although academically is very sound, inquisitive and possesses many other qualities but does not at all has a creative bent of mind and always found a shortcut to such tasks which involved some creative act. But this time i was surprised to see his work. When i told him to give his thoughts a free fly and think what all he really liked to do and what are his favourite things which he wanted to do again and again, he started narrating his thoughts which was then penned down as below as he narrated........ Mangoes on the trees, Strolling by the shores of the seas. Bathing in the rain Travelling by the train. They are some of my favourite things. Counting stars in the sky, Waving the aeroplanes goodbye.. Standing between the crops in the field. Museums showing swords and shield. Imitating cuckoos sound Playing football on the wet ground. Plucking mulberries from the trees Drinking water from the springs, These are some of my favourite things. Watering the plants.. Enjoying the morning temple chants Looking the cities from the high mountains Playing hide and seek behind the curtains. These are some of my favourite things.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:14:26 +0000

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