A letter a day to number 10. No 673. Thursday 06 March 2014. - TopicsExpress


A letter a day to number 10. No 673. Thursday 06 March 2014. The plight of the gormless. Shares are encouraged and welcomed. If this letter speaks for you and you wish to send your own copy please feel free to copy and paste, and alter for your own needs, the text for your own letter. Website updated, letters and replies plus bonus material featuring Mr Suggs, Eeyore and Ribbit. Also on the website, download the support compilation three album set from Atona. Not to be missed. keithordinaryguy.org.uk/ Dear Mr Cameron, You have so much to answer for and I know you dont get it, which is precisely what makes you unfit to be in office, but fear not, you are not alone. In your morally neutered world in which money is the measure of worth, it comes as no surprise to discover, as Frank Field has, that as many as 350,000 vacancies promoted on the Universal Jobmatch site are likely to be bogus. Seeking to fraudulently trick the poorest job seekers out of the little money they have on a site they are mandated to use by the DWP or be sanctioned, is just business as usual for the morally bankrupt. The DWP response to these revelations was, we crack down on those who dont play by the rules. Pfft! Britain today is being led by the doctrine of the bankers, heartily endorsed by you and your party, winner takes all and the devil take the hindmost. I went to the Police Station yesterday with information and evidence regarding the minimum amount the law defines a person needs to live on, the sanctions being imposed by the DWP and the death of Mark Wood. My intention was to bring a charge of manslaughter against Iain Duncan Smith if that was even remotely possible. The feller I spoke to read the information I had taken, told me that he could see where I was coming from, yet confessed to be completely mystified as it was way over his head. His advice to me was to take it to my MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg, to see what he had to say, which, I confess, then meant that both of us were completely mystified, if for somewhat different reasons. If I witnessed a robbery or assault, contacting Mr Rees-Mogg would simply not occur to me, whereas dialling 999 would. Perhaps I am naive and the tender looking Mr Rees-Mog is really a clever disguise for Rambo Man who, in the face of injustice and crime, disappears into telephone boxes to emerge wearing underpants over his trousers, a cape and a look of rabid vengeance. Would that such were true. With Boris Johnson’s sister Rachel recently going on a poverty safari into darkest Deptford, to the envy of her friends, mystification turns to wonder. The darling girl realised, with a terrible thud, how much money Ive wasted, she can no longer pay £3 for a flat white coffee without thinking: ‘That’s a day’s food for a poor family’. What a national treasure she is! theguardian/society/2014/mar/05/government-universal-jobmatch-website-fraud https://gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/186931/foi-844-2013.pdf https://gov.uk/government/news/benefit-sanctions-ending-the-something-for-nothing-culture theguardian/society/2014/feb/28/man-starved-to-death-after-benefits-cut scriptonitedaily/2014/03/05/rich-going-on-poverty-safari-in-poor-areas-of-uk-to-watch-poor-people-live-like-animals/
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:10:15 +0000

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