A letter from my Sahwira- Chihuri has registered every relative - TopicsExpress


A letter from my Sahwira- Chihuri has registered every relative under the police force can you all political parties investigate and refuse to this thing. Let’s make sure that we come together in denying this madness and only 38 000 cops should be allowed to vote. “Here is my letter Sahwi. Sahwira has been busy moving around Provinces. I had not forgotten about you. No I will not do that and I can see that my Baba Jukwa got a mention at the MDC-T rally. I am jealous. You may be interested to know that as I was moving around provinces, my party is in disarray. Our tired leader has now realized that our party only exists in the Herald and ZBC. He is actually angry that all along he has been fooled by Jonathan Moyo’s group that all is well. As you know he cant read small letters anymore since the time when Sikhanyiso Ndlovu was still Information minister and he pleaded with him to tell the Herald Editor to use big fonts. Thats why George Charamba is no longer hiding the fact that our leader is turning blind. So Mugabe does not see any chance of him getting more than what Baba Jukwa predicted, 10%, so he is trying to negotiate with Tsvangirai for a 2008 agreement or if Tsvangirai refuses then he allows Guvheya Chiwenga and gang to unleash violence a week before 31 July. He is even thinking of postponing the elections so be prepared to see Patrcik Chinamasa back at Chidyausiku’s desk telling him how to judge favourably for a one month postponement. Back to the provinces my party is in chaos. I have told my friends in my party not to destroy themselves by wasting their money dolling out goodies to people hoping they will return the favour at elections. No man, Zimbabweans are not village chickens which are only called for “free grain” when the master wants to catch one of them for slaughter yet all this other time they were left to scrounge on ants and termites. This is what people in my party think you Zimbabweans are. They only come to you with gifts when elections are nearby. It backfired at Zimbabwe Grounds when those who came for goodies started fighting for bread and free t-shirts when my party leader was giving a speech. Its a shame. So I advise va Panduki that this is your time. Take whatever they bring and vote wisely. Sahwira’s message to VaPanduki is that this is the time for self reflection. Look at yourself, at your children and your future. Ask yourself what you have and what it is for your children and your future and their future. My party has done all it can to destroy this once beautiful country which had so much potential to become the beacon of Africa. So now Zimbabweans are laughing stock around the globe. You cant mention the name Zimbabwe with pride anymore, ask those in the diaspora. So the only way is to bring hope. Hope comes when the system starts working again. When industry starts working. Dont listen to madman Kasukuwere. He is just too happy to have his new found girlfriend Psychology Maziwisa the backman. Because Kasukuwere cant tell the nation that he wants to take over those businesses which are at least operating under difficult times but leaving to invest in NRZ, Air Zimbabwe, CSC just to mention a few which are dying. If the so called indigenous minister is serious about empowering then the ailing companies are the ones to put money on. Dont they say buy low and sell high. These ailing companies dont cost much so why does he not ask people to invest in these and leave Standard Chattered Bank and Barclays Banks alone? So Kasukuwere and all madman in my party like him should just start packing their bags now because they have failed to bring any new ideas in my party. For 33 years there is nothing more to promise. So Vana Ve Zimbabwe think about the future, think about the present and look at the past. The fact that we are no longer using the Zim Dollar should remind you of the evil past. Those days when you used to sleep in fuel queues and if someone dies you were asked to bring the corpse at the petrol station so that you can qualify for a tank of fuel which you buy at high price. The days when shops were empty and you could not find even a box of matches. These are some of the worst things you went through while Chiwenga and Mnangagwa were dining and wining and shopping in South Africa. Remember Jonathan Moyo went in the news for filing in trolleys with groceries in Johannesburg supermarkets. That is where we are coming from vana ve Zimbabwe. So as you remember all this, punish all those who have been your oppressors for the past 33 years. Meanwhile all parties must be on the lookout next week when the so called Mudede votes, the so called postal votes, are conducted. We now know that Chihuri forced all Police officers, their wives and relatives and now has 90 000 people under the Police. Most of these are CIO’s who were registered as police. So all parties must demand that these votes be counted at the centre. No ballot box should leave the room because this is where the Israeli agents of NIKUV want to act. We wont allow that to happen. We now know that my party was wrongly thinking that it has massive support in the rural areas. Hakuna chiriko.” Asijiki Ndatenda Baba Jukwa
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:08:26 +0000

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