A letter from the Animal Legal Defense Fund, with two more to - TopicsExpress


A letter from the Animal Legal Defense Fund, with two more to follow; Legally Brief: The Fate of Animal Cruelty in U.S. Agricultural Bills Farmed animals have shockingly few legal protections from abuse. There are no federal laws protecting farmed animals while they are raised, and many state laws have been modified to exempt farmed animals from animal cruelty statutes as well, leaving their treatment entirely beyond the law. Animal advocates heaved a collective sigh of relief after the Farm Bill died on the House floor this month. One part of the Farm Bill, the dreaded "King Amendment," would have nullified many of the hard-fought victories won by animal advocates to protect calves, hens, pregnant sows, and other animals. Across the nation, voters are demanding stronger animal protection laws -- Michigan law now bans veal crates to protect baby cows, California law bans battery cages for hens, gestation crates for pregnant pigs, and veal crates, and Florida and Arizona laws likewise ban gestation crates. However, there still is much work to do. Read more about this and other legal victories for animals -- check out Legally Brief with Stephen Wells.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:59:25 +0000

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