A letter to John Q. Public: Ill start this letter highlighting - TopicsExpress


A letter to John Q. Public: Ill start this letter highlighting a quote from the NAACP president in Baltimore, in response to the Chief of the Baltimore polices comments relating to an officer shot by a thug: My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the officer shot in a routine traffic stop on Sunday in Baltimore and wish him a speedy and complete recovery, said NAACP President Tessa Hill-Aston in response. Although I certainly understand the pain and frustration expressed by Commissioner Batts, I believe his questioning of the communitys response to the shooting is misplaced and not helpful to the dialogue between the police and the community were trying to build.” So, the NAACP in Baltimore, want to wish an officer shot a speedy recovery, and in the next breath, immediately return to race baiting and condemning the chief of police (who is black) for telling it how it is, and asking if there will be marches in the street due to this officers shooting. No doubt dripping with legitimate contempt as he said it. That contempt is born from utter frustration no doubt. Just like other police chiefs around the country throwing up their arms in disgust every time they are asked do you think this had anything to do with race when an officer defends himself from being killed by one of these hood rat felons. I ask you, John Q. Public; at what point does this country stop making an issue of police defending themselves based purely on the fact that the person who had a firearm illegally and was trying to kill a police officer with it, had a different skin color than the officer? Where is the rage relating to how little value these thugs place on human life or on the life of someone who is likely responsible for saving more lives than days theyve ever worked? Where is your rage and disgust John, that 180 of my brothers and sisters this year to date kissed their kids goodbye and never came home again? All so some thug could spend an extra 3 hours outside of a jail cell playing hide and seek. Where is the rage John Q. Public? Because let me tell you, if any other job had the very real possibility as first responders do, that you could be murdered daily? Watch how quickly OSHA would step in and shut down your employer. Or if 180 of your co workers were killed and the government was doing nothing about it, you can bet your ass the streets would be filled with people just like you John Q. Public, with your outrage at how you dont want to die just going to work to earn a living. The racial divide in this country has never been wider since the 50s? And for what? Outrage over a thug who tried to kill a cop and failed, or a criminal who fought the cops and died of health issues not related to his arrest. Mind you, in both cases, if these good boys had just obeyed the law like everyone else does daily without too much of s problem and not been shitbags, none of us would be having these conversations. Conversations that are had daily now with every new situation occurring, because the pathetic media and every blogger with a stance wants to write about every single thing they can dig up to make it about race and those evil racist cops all 800,000 of them, yep, every last one, rotten to the core... Wake up John Q. Public! We are the people who come to save you when the same thug your protesting about comes to kick in your door, because he doesnt care a shit about you, your wife or your children, but we do. However, how long will we, while you spit on us, call us names and despise us all? How long until the blue flu starts and becomes a blue epidemic, until there is no one left to come when you call? Be careful what you wish for John, it may just become a reality... - TP
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:51:51 +0000

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