A letter to MY BELOVED YESHUA, How quickly the years have passed. - TopicsExpress


A letter to MY BELOVED YESHUA, How quickly the years have passed. Little did I realize that this night, 48 years ago, you would reveal Your Love to me in such a way as to change the course of my life! As the shadows of night were falling you called me into my beautiful Florida Room. As I took the three step descent into the room my eyes beheld a scene that would be embedded in my heart and life forever! In the left hand corner of the room I saw you so vividly. Yet when people ask me to describe your physical appearance I am speechless, for it was not your appearance that touched the core of my being, but rather the words “I DIED FOR YOU,” that melted my heart. As I gazed upon your body as it hung upon the cross every fiber of my being was saturated with Your Love! Unlike humans, you did not use the words “I Love You.” Instead you demonstrated true love in its highest form. Not only that you made it personal, you spoke those words to me. Surely you had seen the struggle I had been through that week. It was as if my whole world had fallen apart. Although I had an abundance of material goods, (a beautiful home and a new car), my marriage was failing apart. Even though I had been born into your kingdom eleven years early and had a fruitful ministry, there was still something missing. IT WAS AS IF I HAD ALL OF YOU BUT YOU DID NOT YET HAVE ALL OF ME. I had signed the My Covenant card prior to this but I had quickly laid this commitment aside when things got rough. Now here I was reevaluating the card I had so glibly signed. I pondered every word for a week as the devil pounded me with doubts and fears regarding such a commitment. Finally on Oct. 31, 1966 I signed the card again only this time I signed it with my will not just my emotions. Tonight, as I look back over the past 48 years I rejoice in the awesome ways in which YESHUA has allowed me to share HIS LOVE with others! What a privilege to know Him as my LORD and SAVIOR! With great joy I reaffirm the commitment that has resonate in my heart all these years:... “DEAR LORD, I give up all my plans and purposes; all my own desires and hopes. I accept Your will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all to you to be yours forever. Fill me with your HOLY SPIRIT, use me as you will. Work out your whole will in my life at any cost both now and forever.” Signed :Alice Sneed.... Oct. 31, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 00:09:09 +0000

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