A letter to my beautiful daughter, Dont listen to haters, - TopicsExpress


A letter to my beautiful daughter, Dont listen to haters, sweetie. The boy at school who loudly and rudely proclaimed that autistic people are stupid isnt worth the seat he was taking up in the classroom. His narrow-minded ignorance of others is not your problem - its his. While granted, at fourteen, he is quite possibly being influenced by equally moronic and narrow-minded parents, it still remains his problem, not yours. You may be autistic, but you are a beautiful, generous, kind-hearted young woman, who shows brilliance in many different ways, every single day of your life. You may not be particularly good at maths, but you make up for it in your artistic endeavours. You might find some areas of school to be a difficult trial, but you put 100% of yourself into each and every thing you do, every single day. You are a kind-hearted young lady who treats everyone around you, regardless of race, color and creed with respect and that is all we can ever ask of you. We are incredibly proud of you, every single day of your life. As Ive told you, many times before, you are special in everything you do and say, in the way you treat other people, in your compassion and caring for others who may be having a difficult time. People who treat other people the way this boy treated you are not worth you worrying about them. Not for one second. If he goes through life with such a narrow-minded view of the world and people around him, he will lose out on far more through being normal than you will ever do through being autistic. Some of the most special people in the world are not normal and never will be. And some of the brightest, most intelligent people in the world, the ones who have done so much for our world, humanity and the progression of the human race, werent normal. Let the haters hate, if they must, but you should cast off his ridiculous assumptions and treat him as just another person who cant help his own ignorance. All my love, Your proud Mum.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 08:01:25 +0000

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