A lie by any other name is...still a lie. Lying has become - TopicsExpress


A lie by any other name is...still a lie. Lying has become fashionable in our day. Our politicians look us straight in the eye and lie through their pearlies on a daily basis. Lying, in fact, has evolved into a high-level art form in the fruited plains. More than a few scientists insist the earth is warming and will continue to heat up until were all frying eggs in January on the sidewalk of our choice. This in spite of revelations by the boatload of scientific malfeasance and outright statistical LYING about said warming. A famous propagandist once said, If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Ive decided this HAS to be the philosophy many of our leaders have embraced. No matter how stupendously ridiculous, outlandish, or sinister the lie, just keep telling it. Eventually we ditzes out in fly-over country will drink the Kool aid and believe you. You have to wonder how their conscience successfully dodges the stinging bullets of guilt. I mean, how do you face your kids or grandkids? If they dont catch your lies now, theyll know you lied later. The message to them and to our cratering culture is a horrible one. Thats right Johnny, lying is just fine if its for a greater cause. Or, Susie, its perfectly acceptable to tell a whopper in order to get what you want. Dont let it bother you. I sure dont. Jeremiah the Prophet witnessed a similar nightmare unfolding firsthand. Listen to his eerily familiar description of a declining culture: From the least of them even to the greatest of them, EVERYONE deals falsely (6:1-2). In other words, lying was in vogue in Jeremiahs time--and that among Gods chosen people! The weeping Prophet also asked in wonder, Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! Nor did they know how to blush. There you have it. The end result of lying with abandon is a crucified conscience. These people are hypocrites and liars, writes Paul, and their consciences are dead (1 Tim. 4:2). Only one thing will stop this lying epidemic--the boldly spoken, oft-repeated truth found in Gods Word! I close by flipping the propagandists coin. If you tell the truth boldly enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it! Lets tell it, church. The truth of Christ. Let it sail. Everyone else is marching out of the closet. We should too!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:30:19 +0000

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