A little boy enters the restaurant where myself and a group of - TopicsExpress


A little boy enters the restaurant where myself and a group of people are dining. Hes selling chicles (gum). Hes starring at our food like he hadnt eaten in awhile. I asked him if he had eaten today. He shook his head no. His eyes were sad and hollow. We packed up all the food on our table and gave it to him. Shortly after he walked out the door we followed behind him. I saw several other little kids gather around him. Street kids...dirty...and hungry. I approached the pack of kids and asked them if they had eaten. They were going through the trash looking for something to eat. They too had not eaten today. With your generosity we bought them a bucket of chicken and fries. I tried to invite them to sit inside the restaurant while I placed the order, but the guard at the front door wouldnt let them in. He told me their kind wasnt welcome inside because it bothered the other customers. Their kind meaning street kids. Ill be honest, I wanted to punch him in the mouth. I have little tolerance for un-kind behavior. The kids were quite understanding as if they had been told that before. They sat down outside and waited patiently for their meal. We walked out with a bag of chicken and fries. You would have thought I had given them gold. The littlest boy, probably around 6 or 7 years old, came running up to me with the biggest eyes. He was going to eat tonight! To say it breaks our hearts to see kids like this doesnt even describe the overwhelming feeling. I will never become accustom or calloused to seeing hungry, dirty kids digging through trash to find something to eat. If there is ever a time any of us become calloused to even hearing such a story, shame on us. These are the least of these. These are the ones that Jesus tells us to feed and care for. These are the ones He is referring to when He said When you fed them you fed me.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:57:18 +0000

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