A little clarification about Ollys cannabis.... I have received - TopicsExpress


A little clarification about Ollys cannabis.... I have received quite a few questions- well meaning, curious, and information seeking questions, and I know there are some out there that are wondering. So I am going to C&P the questions and then answer them- if there are questions that I have not covered- PLEASE ASK! Information is the key to knowledge and knowledge is the key to understanding and understanding is the kep to acceptance and acceptance is the key to getting this MEDICINE legalized. I am so glad that Olly is doing so well! Can you tell me how you get him to smoke it? -Olly does NOT smoke it. It is in a concentrated oil form, it has the consistency of molasses. He gets a drop the size of a grain of rice inside a mini marshmallow. How do you explain the weed smell on a toddler to other people? -There is really NO smell! His breath DOES smell funky for about 30 minutes after he has his marshmallow. We give it to him at 8pm and his bedtime is 8:30pm. He brushes his teeth and then goes to bed. When he wakes up, he does not have the smell when he wakes up. Does he have any side effects? -The most prominent one is NO SEIZURES! The other is that he wakes up and DEMANDS his breakfast, he is NOT subtle and NOT patient. He want food IMMEDIATELY. He as gained a whole pound in the (almost) month that he has been on it. He is also sleeping through the night consistently. Does it make him high? Like a mini pt hoead? -No. The main biochemical in his oil is cannabidiol. This is non-psychotropic. The ratio of CBD:THC is 24:1 meaning for every 24 parts of CBD there is only 1 part of THC. The oil he is on now is 63% CBD meaning it is less than 3% THC, not even enough to show up on a drug test and does not have an effect on him. Can you make it yourself? Have you thought about making it yourself? - LEGALLY? Yes. In California, we have the recommendation that gives us legal permission to cultivate, grow, and extract his medicine. I know the process, it really does not sound all that difficult...... WILL I? No. I kill plastic plants, seriously. I cannot imagine spending that kind of money on the specific strain of plant that would take 6-8 months to produce the buds to extract into the oil and then them dying. We rent our home and do not have permission to alter the landscaping, and we would have to do that or take up the backyard where the boys play to have a bunch of pots. Also, we would need separate utensils, pots, etc as well. Also, I DO NOT want it around my other children and grandchild. They do not need this medicine and just like we keep pharmaceutical medicines under lock and key- we need to keep this med like that as well. Besides, after all is said and done, it would end up costing about the same. R ur drs aware that u give weed to ur kid? - Every single one of them. They not only KNOW about it but they support our decision and are ecstatic about the results. Is it really expensive? -Yes. Olly uses about 1.75g of this new Super CBD oil per month (NOT a lot compared to some kids, and kids who use it to control cancer- they can use up to 1g per DAY!) This med is $95 per gram and we need to travel about 4 hours south. To obtain his meds it is a full day trip- we leave about 8am, we get to the collective/dispensary about noon. It take about an hour there. We have to sign in, they verify ID and our recommendation, then gather our requested items. In this case, Super CBD oil by the gram in syringes.We pay and then the security guard escorts us to our car. Then we drive 4 hours home. Our round trip the end of last month was $675 (includes gas, two meals for David and me, 4g of meds, and a little plastic pencil box for me to store it in on the way home.) This will last us approx 2 months... we will have to go back down in November. does it werk? -YES!!! In 48 hours it will be an entire MONTH since Ollys last seizure! Why are do tell everyone about giving your kid marijuana? Why put your life out there like that? -FIRST AND FOREMOST, if only ONE person benefits from our experiences either by recognizing Histio in their child and getting them help, by understanding what seizures look like, by recognizing Diabetes Insipidus, by knowing that CANNABIS USE WORKS and to not be afraid of it, by coming to Christ, by embracing Faith (ANY Faith)..... THEN IT IS ALL WORTH IT. I firmly believe that PRAYER WORKS, and it does not matter who or how you pray... it all goes to the same God. I believe that God is God is God.... No matter the name! Okay, those are all the questions... I will add more if there is anymore asked in the comments or messages.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 02:10:37 +0000

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