A little early because I cant wait! Let me know what you think - TopicsExpress


A little early because I cant wait! Let me know what you think of Little Family “It was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a-“ “Ezra shut up,” Aria says playfully while throwing a pillow at Ezra while he slowly crawls into the bed and then lands next to her on the pillow. “What? I’m just practicing.” Ezra says nonchalantly to her. “For what?” Aria looks at him. “For next year,” Ezra says as he places his hand on Aria’s stomach. Aria lightly kisses his forehead. “Remember we’re not telling anyone until we know for sure, not until after Monday.” Changing the subject, Ezra asks “So what did you end up getting for your mom?” “For what?” Aria asks confused. “For Christmas, for tomorrow?” Ezra says slowly. Aria plops down on her pillow and grabs her head. “Shit” “Ezra, do you understand how hard it’s going to be not to be able to tell my own mother?”- Aria asks almost amused. “Wel-“Aria interrupts him. “Or Hanna, Em, SPENCER!” Ezra can tell she’s angry and upset. “So, I’m guessing you forgot to get your mother a gift?” Ezra says almost laughing. Aria just looks at him and smiles. The next day, Christmas Eve Day “Take a deep breath,” Ezra tells Aria holding two pies, pumpkin and key lime of course. Aria knocks holding her stomach. Ella answers the door, “Aria!” Ella pulls her and gives her a hug. Aria has been noticing that she’s been different since she moved back in with Byron. Ella takes one of the pies from Ezra and signals them to the kitchen. “Aria!” Byron and Aria’s grandparents all seem to yell at the same time. Aria lets out a weak smile, she’s sick to her stomach. Aria’s grandmother comes over and gives her a hug. “We’ll eat in about 20 minutes, if you guys just want to go sit in the living room, Mikes in there.” Ella tells them. Ezra nods placing his hand on the small of Aria’s back he leads her out of the kitchen. They sit on the couch, A Christmas Story is on, Aria’s favorite Christmas movie. After about five minutes Aria stands up and begins to walk up the stairs. Ezra just assumes she’s using the rest room but, after 10 minutes he decides to go check on her. He finds her in her room, sitting on her bed with her head in her hands rocking back and forth. He sits down next to her and starts rubbing her back, she collapses into him. Ezra lifts her head by her chin and pecks her nose. Just as they hear, “Time to eat!” They get up from the bed and Aria nuzzles her head into Ezra’s chest and wraps her arms around him as he wraps his arms around her. “We have to go back downs stairs.” Ezra looks down and tells her,” “I know,” Aria says to him pulling away. Hand in hand they walk down the stairs. About 2 hours later “Thank goodness that’s over with,” Aria lets out a deep breath while getting into the car. “C’mon the food was good!” Ezra says to her trying to ease the mood. “I wouldn’t know, I couldn’t eat.” Aria says to him. They start to drive but then they don’t turn, Aria’s confused. “Remember, we have Christmas with Hanna, Caleb, Spencer, Toby, Emily, and Paige? At Spencer’s?” Ezra says to Aria looking at her. Grabbing her head again “Ugh, Oh yeah.” They continue to drive another five minutes until they pull into Spencer’s drive way. Ezra opens Aria’s door and helps her get out. “Remember, just breath.” He says to her as she gets out. Walking up the pathway to the front door, to ease the mood Ezra lightly grabs Aria’s ass. Aria smacks his hand and looks at him. Spencer opens the door before they’re even all the way up the pathway. “Merry Christmas” she says to them smiling, Spencer hugs Aria. After everyone calms down it’s time for gifts. Hanna and Caleb get to go first. Hanna opens her gift from Caleb. Hanna gasps, in the little 6 in. ivory colored box is a diamond infinity bracelet, engraved on the inside says ‘H.M. & C.R. Forever.’ Hanna kisses Caleb. Caleb opens his gift from Hanna, not knowing what to expect. He pulls out a white printed sweatshirt that says ‘If you think I’m cute, you should see my girlfriend.’ Caleb lets out a laugh and then turns it around for everyone else to see. A light laugh fills the room. Next, Emily opens her present from Paige, it’s the shoes that Em had been wanting for months, the J. Crew Nikes. Emily got Paige, a new swim cap and goggles, for old time’s sake. Toby opens his gift from Spencer, it a dog tag with an engraved ‘T’ on one side and an ‘S’ on the other. Toby hugs Spencer. Spencer opens up a vintage purple Swarovski necklace. Toby helps her put it on and then she grabs his neck to pull him around and kisses him. Aria, hands Ezra his present. It’s a hand painted ceramic coffee mugs that says ‘Best Boyfriend EVER’ Ezra finds this ironic and lets out a little chuckle. “I love it,” he says leaning in to kiss Aria. Ezra stands up and fixes his sweater vest. He then gets down on one knee. Aria gasps and covers her mouth. “Aria, I know that we’ve had a rough 5 years. I know that you’re still really young and still have your whole life to figure out but, I don’t care. I love you, there is no other person I want to spend my life with. I love when you wake up in the morning next to me, I love hearing your voice on your voicemail when you don’t answer your phone, I love you. So, Aria-“He opens the little velvet box. “Will you marry me?” Aria in tears now stutters “Yes!” Ezra places the 2.15 caret princess cut gold band diamond ring on Aria left hand and then jumps up and kisses her. Everyone in the room is hooting and hollering now. Aria looks at them and then looks at Ezra. “So, we have something to tell you guys.” Aria says slowly. “Hanna and Spencer look at her confused. “We’re, pregnant” she says almost like a question. Spencer jumps up and hugs her. Hanna in even more shock now can’t close her jaw. “I’m so happy for you” Spencer says with her arms still wrapped around her. They all sit there for about 2 more hours and then Aria decides it’s time for her and Ezra to go. They get into to the car, Ezra puts the car into reverse. “So, I thought we weren’t telling anybody about the baby yet?” Ezra says looking at her. “You really, thought I wasn’t going to tell my best friends about me being pregnant after you just purposed!?” Aria says really excitingly. Ezra laughs putting the car into drive. “The ring is beautiful by the way, I love you” Aria says to Ezra as she admires her ring some more. “Not as beautiful as you, I love you too” at a stop sign Ezra places his hand on Aria’s stomach and then places a light peck on Aria’s lips before he leans down and whispers “Merry Christmas little one, we love you already.” Aria smiles admiring her little family.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:05:28 +0000

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