A little history lesson and then something to think - TopicsExpress


A little history lesson and then something to think about: Tomorrow we will celebrate Independence Day. That is the day we celebrate America’s Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of England under the leadership of King George. I read one historian that said that the Declaration of Independence of 1776 was not originally intended to declare war with England and neither did it actually establish our country’s independence. What declared our independence was the Revolutionary War which was fought to free us from Englands rule. That did not end until the treaty was signed over seven years later on September 3, 1783. I am not a historian, but I do like history. As I understand it, the purpose of the Declaration of Independence was for the colonists, One writer said it was for the colonists to declare to the world their belief in a personal, infinite God - their Creator - who endowed them with certain ’inalienable’ or absolute rights...To the men of that time it was self-evident...that if the inalienable rights they were urging were not seen in the context of Christianity, then they were without content - illusions, and nothing but dreams. To have absolute rights our forefathers had to acknowledge the Absolute Authority of God. Notice this statement: “…if the inalienable rights they were urging were not seen in the context of Christianity, then they were……nothing but dreams. To have absolute rights our forefathers had to acknowledge the Absolute Authority Of God.” Something to think about from our forefathers: Our forefathers believed that there is no true freedom without God and His authority to determine the morality upon which the laws of our land are based. So, it is in God that we find the basis for physical freedom; however we also find in God the basis for our spiritual freedom. Also, God’s provision for our spiritual freedom is found in His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, on this Independence Day let’s celebrate the freedom we have in our country because of our founding fathers belief in the God of Heaven and also celebrate he freedom we have in the God of Heaven’s Son, Jesus Christ.. Happy Birthday, America. Have a great day!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:10:37 +0000

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