A little more of something to read up on about head lice. And so - TopicsExpress


A little more of something to read up on about head lice. And so the health centre went and did a head lice check on all the children who were in attendance on Tuesday. My girl came to me with a note saying she had lice in her head so I went to got nix for her. Got my head check for lice. I was told I had none. During Pos listerine rinse after I did the nix treatment I decided I was going to do my head too just as a precaution. Woah 2 lice came out of me. Went on a frenzy to rid them. Did the nix treatment today along with a hair dryer for 1/2 hour to make my head super hot to burn off it dry up the critters and their eggs. Hopefully I got Po and I clean. Well anyways I told Jule check the girls with the lice comb. I had an extra one. I told her to check them since the girls do share clothes, scarves, and play together. Even though they were told they had none at yesterdays school check. Well what do you know. Doing a wet rinse check is better then doing just a head check cause I think they look for the nits rather that the lice them selfs. Gave them my left over nix treatment, listerine and the hair straightener to burn off any nits. This is not anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about. As I read more about this lice I have come to realize that more clean people get lice than those who sporadically wash up as lice have a hard time clinging to dirty hair than clean hair. It doesnt matter if you are rich or poor, clean or dirty, lice dont judge a person as long as they are able to feed off a person and regenerate. Oh it takes your head or scalp up anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks before you start to itch which is like a allergic reaction to the saliva of the louse. Just giving this information to people so that you can have information not to make you panic or judge a person because they have lice. This is not something to keep a secret. We need to get rid of this before it becomes an bigger problem than it is now. Keeping quiet has already infested more people rather then help the community. wms.yk1.nt.ca/documents/general/Head%20Lice%20Brochure.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:02:14 +0000

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