A little more wisdom from my Coach, Amy Anfinson. I endorse her - TopicsExpress


A little more wisdom from my Coach, Amy Anfinson. I endorse her 100%. Shes a great Coach for those needing to shift their energy/thought/emotion just a little to get to the other side. I had no idea that being my authentic self could make me as rich as I’ve become. If I had, I would have done it a lot earlier.—Oprah Winfrey What does being your authentic self mean to you? To me it is feeling comfortable in your own skin, being true to yourself and valuing the person that you are. The more you pay attention to how you feel, be gentle and kind with yourself, the better awareness you will have to what you need to do for yourself to feel more centered, peaceful and authentic. So many people ignore how they feel for the sake of pleasing and appeasing others or in their need for approval and appreciation from others, but true alignment can only come from within and how YOU feel about YOURSELF. It is important to get to know yourself and to find ways to meet your own needs…to please, approve and appreciate yourself. We aren’t really taught the importance of this because too many people think you will become arrogant or manipulative if you thought so highly of yourself. The opposite is actually true, when we are fearful, in lack or feeling not enough that is when one might try to overcompensate, try to put on an act and even use manipulation to try to get their way. The better we feel about ourselves, the more we trust ourselves and God and can live from a place of authenticity. Humility has been taken out of context and kept too many people playing small and settling for less in life. As you learn to please, approve of and appreciate yourself in a healthy way, you become healthy in your mind, body and spirit and then you have so much more to give to others. You are able to give from a place of joy rather than guilt, lack or fear. You are also able to receive more with appreciation and an understanding of your worthiness. I encourage you to do this exercise and this week really focus on your good qualities…approve of and appreciate yourself. You might find that the more you feel good about yourself, the more you positively influence others, the more you have to give and the more good things that keep showing up in your life. Please send me your list so I can hold and see these things with you. Also feel good about sharing any aha’s, downloads or questions you have with me. I love hearing from you! If you only send appreciations…that is enough. Let’s keep lifting one another to new heights of peace, joy, health and success. Life is for you…keep leaning into the life you want! Intentions: · I intend to be aware of the stories I am telling myself (about myself, others and my life) and make sure that they all FEEL REALLY GOOD to me. · I intend to value myself and look for the good things that I model just by being me…(see myself thru God’s eyes). · I intend to imagine and feel more specifically what I want my future to look like. · I intend to feel my feelings without judgment and then ask myself…”What do I want to feel?”…and reach for thoughts that evoke that feeling. · I intend to care about how I feel as it is my Divine GPS that lets me know which direction I am headed…towards what I do want…or shooting off more rockets of desires…either way…all is well…and I can always get to where I want to go…no rush. · I intend to create a quest that I can work towards for the next 7 years. (Inspired by the author of The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose To Your Life by Chris Guillebeau and Marie Forleo TV) · I intend to appreciate more, to reflect a little more, dream a little more, express myself more and celebrate a lot. · I intend to be relaxed and centered as I go thru each day…staying calming excited about all the wonderful things I have in my life and all the wonderful things that are on their way.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:07:15 +0000

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