A little something I put together to send to EVERYONE, especially - TopicsExpress


A little something I put together to send to EVERYONE, especially the mindless psychopaths just doing their job types......mwahs, kate!!! YOUR CONTRACT NOW by kate u/v kaia written with/in Phoenician/sonic definitions as defined only by me as per my intent, assumption and presumption of any/all possibilities other than my own are destroyed ab initio; Ignorance is NOT a defence, time to wise up to Whom it May Concern, LEGAL NAMES NOTWITHSTANDING, where any/all names mentioned in this are not and will never be assumed/presumed to be LEGAL NAMES where any/all LEGAL NAMES are, in fact, AIDING AND ABETTING FRAUD. It is not my wish nor ever will be my wish to partake in any/all frauds ab initio, ad infinitum; be advised that I am currently investigating an all too common situation of MISTAKEN/STOLEN IDENTITY/FALSE PERSONATION regarding fraudulent use of CROWN COPYRIGHT property, commonly known as the LEGAL NAME; Inasmuch as all/any thing(s) LEGAL are without standing in reality or what you would deem to be the real world, most of humanity is duped into this fraud via the BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD/DECEPTION/NON-DISCLOSURE/LEGAL NAME/FALSE IMPERSONATION etc. where legality is not reality as per their own MAXIMS of law. Please read attached Babylon Is Fallen for a brief synopsis of this scam of humanity as a whole and be advised that any/all use of a LEGAL NAME has you complicit in all/any CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY henceforth; As an investigative reporter and FREE LANCE journalist I have an obligation to humanity to expose any/all of these crimes to my millions of listeners/followers worldwide to bring a full awareness to the consciousness of humanity as a whole. In short, if youre playing with LEGAL NAME(S) and harming anyone by just doing my job it sucks to be you in the same way that claim was made during the NUREMBERG TRIALS. Harming someone in the EXECUTION of your duties does not and will not absolve you of your free willed choice to do so under any/all circumstances where all are simply guilty in, by and of their actions in the INSTANT the crime is committed, no courts required to prove self-guilt; It has come to my attention that YOU, the living spirit OCCUPYING a CROWN OWNED/COPYRIGHTED BODY (see G.I.F.T. Blacks law pg. 757 GIFT. abbr. GAMETE INTRAFALLOPIAN TRANSFER. gift, n. (12c) 1. The voluntary transfer of property to another without compensation. [Cases: Gifts ~1.]2. A thing so transferred. gift, vb.absolute gift. See inter vivos gift.) INTER VIVOS means inter vivos (in-t
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 23:22:28 +0000

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