A little something from my debut novel, Shadrah, Book 1 of The - TopicsExpress


A little something from my debut novel, Shadrah, Book 1 of The Kiyorlin Series. Before we had a chance to get any further on this matter, Willim came bursting in, obvious terror in his eyes and urgency in his step. He all but ran into the chamber and gave a short, but cordial bow in front of me. “My pardon, Sire, but I must speak with you immediately,” he told me. “Can it not wait?” I asked. “We are in the middle of an important deliberation. “Sorry, Your Highness, but I have orders from a higher authority,” Willim confessed with a hint of worry. “And who is of a higher authority than I am?” I laughed. “The dragon god, Lord Qwitchur.” That was all that Willim needed to say. I immediately called for a break in the deliberations and ordered refreshments for the guests. I pulled Willim into my private library and awaited his missive. He insisted we go outside before he delivered the message from the dragon god. I was in no mood to have this drawn out, but I patiently followed Willim out to the garden. I was told to give you this, Willim handed me a scroll, with instructions that it is to only be opened by you. Anyone else would die, according to the messenger. Theres more. More? I arched my eyebrow. What more could there be, Willim? The Lord Qwitchur sends a scroll that is trapped by magic, and you are telling me theres more – I can hardly wait. Im not sure what this last part means, however. The messenger also stated that you are to speak aloud a secret given to you at birth in order to open the scroll,” Willim relayed with some confusion. I must admit, I was a bit mystified, myself. A secret given to me at birth? How am I supposed to remember something that was – wait . . . maybe I did know this secret. Hmm – I wonder what secrets are given to a younger at birth. Lets try this – Atsitomoralitum, I whispered, more to the scroll than to Willim. Surprisingly, the seal on the scroll melted away and allowed me to unroll it. Well, I guess theres a reason for everything. Looking at Willim I added with a shrug, Thats my second name. I always wondered why father would give me a name that means open to me in the ancient tongue. You have a name, a second name, and a surname? How many names does one man need? Willim asked. It was not very common to have three names among the beach elves. I have a fourth name, as well, but you will never hear it, I smirked as I started to read the scroll. Without warning, the air in front of me was engulfed in flames. I was standing on dais in the middle of nothing. Everything around me was black, except for the blazing orb staring at me. It only took a short moment for me to regain focus, but when I did, I noticed that the fire was taking shape. Soon, it took the form of a beautiful golden dragon. Instantly, I took a knee and put my right fist to my left shoulder, in respect. I was staring at the dragon god, Lord Qwitchur. As I knelt before the greatest source of the Light, he spoke to me. Well, it was more like planting visions in my mind. Visions of great evil consuming the world. Visions of dark magic and creatures unknown to me. There were flashes of key landmarks, each in a sequence leading west of Kiyor’lin. The last vision was a temple on the west coast with a woman in a black cloak. Then there was nothing. Everything faded and I was back in the gardens with Willim. Shadrah, Book 1 of The Kiyorlin Series, by Neil Orr ©Copyright 2013 Artist: Joel Ferris, Bad Pineapple Studios amazon/Shadrah-Kiyorlin-Neil-Orr-ebook/dp/B00GXU5FD8
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:11:47 +0000

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