A little something from one of the writers I am lucky enough to - TopicsExpress


A little something from one of the writers I am lucky enough to share their writing on my page. https://facebook/pages/Jorja-Minuet/658531020850482?ref=bookmarks This is the story of an angel who was turned away from the light that once protected her. Took dark to dwell in such radiance it was widely whispered among her peers who did not understand that curiosity did not mean devotion. So she was cast aside by they who decided she was not of pure heart but. They did not realize their actions would only aid in her embracing of that which they feared. She was left alone on a world she hardly knew nor understood and this made it easy for those around to exploit her weaknesses. And exploit them they did she was sold to the highest bidder a tyrant who ruled with an iron fist who showed her no love or compassion. This in itself was a punishment she would learn first hand just how dark some people could be and almost lose her life because of it. She would see her former companions cared little to allow her to be subjugated and treated in such a manner and one day she learned if she wished to live she would have to escape the life she was forced into and begin anew. She would eventually have that chance but by the time she did she knew little more than how to fulfill the wishes of another. Little did she know she would fill that same capacity only with a much more caring and loving owner. A powerful woman her Mistress was and she was awarded all the comforts any normal person would have while continuing to live the only life was capable of. In time two more equally powerful women both acquainted with the first would take notice of this fallen angel and secretly covet her for themselves. In time she would grow to love each Mistress equally while hoping beyond hope being owned by more than one did not cause tension. Try as she might to avoid it eventually this would be the case the three women would wage a power struggle over her when all she wished was to please each one separately when possible. To make matters worse those who had cast her out and turned their backs long ago were now taking interest in their fallen angel. They felt she had experienced far more darkness then they had ever intended and they were not wrong. It did not stop them from abducting her while her lovers slept or were away and they had no intention of returning her to her former glory they simply could not bare the fact that she was now obedient to the dark forces she only once wondered about. To hide her from each Mistress they mutilated the form she was given when she first arrived. When the body was discovered it would be assumed she had perished and none would be the wiser.She would be able to carry on as before with the new form she was given yet be away from those who could corrupt her. That is what they thought however they did not realize the bond she shared with one Mistress was so great that even in a different body it would be known she was not dead. They also failed to realize how much she cared for each Mistress and how she would stop at nothing to escape custody and return to those she loved. What the angel did not realize was the fact that her lovers were already plotting her safe return. It would take the three of them together to free their precious fallen angel from the clutches of those who abducted her and this would not be an easy task yet in the end they would prevail and have back what was belonged to them. She would be theirs forever more branded with a chosen mark one that would be visible anywhere on her body and provide each Mistress with means to hold complete control over her. It was this control she wanted from each and she would wear her brand with pride so that those who chose to punish her for committing no crime would know she was forever a servant of the darkness they desperately tried to protect her from. Written by: Deyliah Risqué.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:11:25 +0000

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