A little story about a water hose... Imagine a water hose vast - TopicsExpress


A little story about a water hose... Imagine a water hose vast enough to be responsible for watering every garden in your neighborhood. This hose has been very intelligently designed to keep every lawn, flower bed and plant vibrant and lush. It even works without you turning it off and on by way of a very complex brain hub designed at the top of the neighborhood; it communicates to the hoses to run water when needed. The main water supply runs right down Main Street (the middle of the neighborhood) underground and is protected by hard PVC pipe. Many hoses branch off from the main supply and network to every house in the neighborhood. Now, imagine there was a shift in the earth or something that created some unknown stress to the main water supply. Maybe a big rock shifted enough to put a little pressure on the hose. Maybe a rodent tunneled down and buried up on the hose. There are hundreds of potential stressors or situations that could disrupt the water flow. The point is, the efficiency at which the water reaches each house has been compromised. The problem is, nobody in the neighborhood can tell there is a problem because everybody is still getting water! Everything is peachy because everything still appears green. This goes on for a few years before someone starts to notice their flower blooms just arent as vibrant as they use to be. Another notices that their garden seems to be producing smaller and less harvest. Something finally begins to appear off. Someone at the annual neighborhood meeting speaks of and suggests some kind of hose adjuster or whisperer that may be of great help in detecting and correcting the problem. That quickly gets voted down because it doesnt seem scientific enough. The neighborhood wants to try something more proven to work. After some debate, the plan is to replace the main control hub with some new, improved equipment. The surgery is expensive, but it only takes a weekend...so... it is agreed that this is the best option. The water flow should be optimized in no time! Right? Well, at first it appears the plan has worked. Everything is back to lush and green for the next few years. The flowers are back and the tomatoes are bigger than ever. Life goes on and everyone is symptom-free of water flow issues. Until... One day someone notices the newly replaced hub smoking and appearing to be working way too hard. It is brought to the attention of the head of the HOA. At the next meeting, most in the neighborhood just vote to get another hub. However, before the order is placed, one of the board members makes an inquisitive call to the hose adjuster. The consultation was free and the service, though not well understood, seemed to be promising to the board member. The hose adjuster came out and evaluated the situation. He took a full history of the problem -listening again to what the current situation was and what had been done to try and fix the problem. He then began to assess and examine the main hose. Onlookers were puzzled why he wasnt looking at the smoking hub -where the symptoms and problem appeared to be obvious. He instead scoped and focused on the main hose down Main Street. Soon, he found a stress spot on the PVC pipe. He removed the stressful spot and water flow was restored. The main hub immediately had less stress. Everyone was amazed. The water flow was optimized like when it was in the beginning. The main hub worked perfectly! The expense of another new part or more equipment was avoided. It was agreed by all that it would be a good idea for the hose adjuster to come out to the neighborhood and do periodic, preventive checks. The point of this story is that we have all an amazing hose system (central nervous system) that connects to every house (organs, cells, tissues) in our body (the neighborhood). Keep its innate flow optimized so that you may experience more optimal health. Find a hose adjuster.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:57:41 +0000

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