A local family and friend is adopting internationally as we speak, - TopicsExpress


A local family and friend is adopting internationally as we speak, and it has emotionally moved me over the past few days. I have done the ugly cry. I dont think I could travel to your school in Haiti Jim Bryson. I would come back with at least 2. You see, this sweet child has never slept in a bed, she has never eaten fruit because it is too expensive, and she was most excited about wearing shoes and making sure no one took her plate away before she finished. Yall...I dont know about your family, but ours...well...most days, I have to threaten with the spanking spoon for my kids to EAT THREE BITES of the food on their plate, they sleep on princess sheets from Pottery Barn Kids and they have more toys/clothes/shoes than they could ever possibly wear. We go into Target and they cant find a toy to whine for because they already have them all! We sometimes throw away good food in our fridge because we decide instead, well tonight we would rather eat out! We want sushi! We want Mexican! Oh my....We are so blessed! The tears are still pouring from me....no fruit?!?? So today...instead of coveting a bigger house, a new outfit, a flatter stomach, a nicer car, a vacation, better health...not that this is bad all the time.... I am simply reminding myself I have faith, food, clothing, and shelter ....thank you Lord for blessing me...so much more than I deserve!!! I do not say thank you enough. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:59:38 +0000

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