A lone nutter was sentenced today! (2) And the Daily Mail - TopicsExpress


A lone nutter was sentenced today! (2) And the Daily Mail can’t resist a stich-up!! The Daily Mail is up to its usual innuendo-based journalism in its reporting today of the sentencing of serving soldier Ryan McGee. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2853044 McGee was sentenced at the Old Bailey today to 12 months in jail for possessing a document containing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. He was further jailed for 24 months for a second charge that he made an explosive device. Why are we interested in the reporting of McGee’s trial? Well, buried in the 2,500 words of the Daily Mail’s report, we find that the prosecution says McGee had a keen interest in the English Defence League. The judge said McGees ideology included support for the English Defence League The prosecution, whose job it is to make the strongest possible case against the accused, added it was accepted he never joined the English Defence League. So, the Daily Mail produces a headline using the name of the best known organisation mentioned in the trial, the English Defence League, replaces “interest” and “support” with “obsessed” and, for good measure gratuitously describes us as “far right”. The key point is that we dont know Ryan McGee from Adam. On today’s reports he is just a random lone nutter, a bit of a Walter Mitty character, and he has not even claimed to be one of our many members. This is barely worth a response, but the many real members and supporters of the English Defence League have been dismayed to see the Daily Mail running true to form, with its slapdash, unfounded and sensationalist approach today. The Daily Mail has demonstrated yet again its willingness not to let the facts get in the way of a story that massages the prejudices of its readership and advertisers. We members know that the English Defence League is committed to oppose the Islamisation of this country, to expose creeping sharia, to criticise stealth jihad – and all this non-violently and without racism. We oppose terrorism in all its forms, particularly terrorism, any terrorism, in this country. Perhaps the Daily Mail and other media outlets will one day acknowledge that the English Defence League have been on the money with Muslim grooming gangs, FGM and other major issues well before the media and the responsible officials stirred from their politically correct slumbers. We’re on the case and, media stitch-ups not withstanding, we’re here till England is secure.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:59:52 +0000

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