A look at Lawrence County... Will Travis. We American - TopicsExpress


A look at Lawrence County... Will Travis. We American individuals of Lawrence county are existing now in a state of despair, confusion, frustration, hopeless helplessness. We are victims, and of what? Our national government? Our state government? County government? Our elite social classes? Socialism? Cowardice? Culture? Equality? Or are we victims of our own stupidity and egotistical convictions? Can we over dramatize that which we are part of? That which is presently existing in our county? That, which concerns are very survival? Cant wait over dramatize self-honor and integrity? Are we not obligated to take a stand, to secure our rights , to be human individuals? And, are we not as obligated to extend those rights to others? We witnessed not merely a Murray strike. It is far more reaching than that. We witnessed a mast labor demonstration against a discriminating company which moved here with every lawful and ethical right, but nevertheless with intentions of exporting our willingness to labor cheaply and with intentions of using her hierarchal social stratification to its advantage. We witnessed a minority of factory workers who are paralyzing this county, shout rights but infringe upon the rights of others, who advocate violence and threats of violence, the react according to the dictation and of destruction and revenge, and who follow outside influences which have a little concern for County complacency and harmony is other outsiders who have snubbed us, the poor white trash, for the past nine years. We American individuals of Lawrence County must decide upon a course of action. We American individuals of Lawrence County must decide upon the lesser of two evils. We American individuals of Lawrence County must acknowledge our obligations. We American individuals of Lawrence County must do these things or die because if we American individuals of Lawrence County fail to act then we are already dead. Murray is the bread-and-butter of this county. It brought with it when it came new homes and cars, college educations, businesses, and construction companies. It raised the living standards of the county. It has prevented our young people from going north to seek work. It is made it possible for us to have things which we never dreamed possible. But lets face it, it brought the country club and class distinction also. It took a friendly atmosphere off the square on Saturday. It Stopped neighborly visits, it made us dependencies, weaklings, nobodies, living machines, and inferior creatures who must beg to work, smile to please, and conform to survive. Murray has not hired according to qualifications, but according to politics. Murray has not promoted according to leadership capabilities, but according to yes sir answers. Murray has underpaid. Murray has discriminated against. Murray has harassed and fired workers because of the union and their unionization views. Murray has, for a fact, practiced unfair labor. The factory has undoubtedly elevated the county TuneIn Heights, but it has also grown rich in the process. Murray, obviously, did it all for Murray, not for the county, and certainly not for us, the common county peons who make up the bottom end of the totem pole. The union, on the other hand, will have us believe that they will change all that. Indeed, some of it, they may. Our common complaint against them though isnt consequences we foresee in the future if they gain control, but they already in enacted past. they lost the election, we say. They dont have the right to strike. It is common practice today, if we will only admit it, that in every circumstance we hear about, might makes right. Perhaps it isnt ideal, but its real. Besides that, we know in all honesty, if Murray had not instilled the fear of job loss and persecution into its employees past practices, the union would have one this past election. One can deny it, but again lets face it its true. The unions fault lies in the future results it will bring, its appeal, and its philosophy. Unions have strikes. It takes a $.10 raise 50 weeks to equal $200 lost during a strike to get it, not to mention membership dues. And to whom does the union appeal? To whom does seniority appeal? If one believes himself above average as a worker, he should never want a union or seniority. Because, was seniority he can only move up as fast as slowest man above him. But, if one is a moron, unions with their seniority carry them along as fast as the most ambitious man in the group-moron should want a union. The greatest of addiction to unions, however, to this union camping our town, is its philosophy, its collectivity, it socialistic characteristics. It represents and is identical to everything we despise about communist countries. It is anti-individualism in every way, and are we not American individuals? Do we have to resort to mass bargaining, and violence, and bastardly underhanded attacks, and destruction to secure for ourselves and our families our God endowed blessings as American citizens? Has this county came to that? Has Lawrence county stooped so low? is life so dear or Breath so sweet that it can be purchased with the bonds of chains and slavery? do we fear death so much more than love of honor? This is what we American individuals of Lawrence County must decide. It is this that we must dramatize. Indeed, if necessary, it is this that we must fight because of -the lesser of two evils. I cannot help but compare the situation here with the situation all over the country-with the situation of equality and discontent. Those of us who demonstrate our discontent with this county. With its workers social order, are comparable to those people who hiked from Selma Alabama to Montgomery. It stems from unexplainable circumstances beneath the surface of what it seems to be about, but isnt. This strike isnt only against Murray, its against the whole town, against the businessman of this town, against this countys hierarchy of command, shady politics, its snobbish aristocratic practices, its Moores and folkways, standards and norms. This strike is a demonstration of protest against forces which label, judge, condemn, and execute individual initiative. This strike is a result of highbrow hypocritical virtue which shows its face in spite of grinning teeth and open palms. We American individuals of Lawrence county are victims. We dont know what-exactly-we are victims of, but because we know that we are, because it is we who are out of work, because it is we suffer most, because it is we strike blows at each other, because it is we who hold the only innocent positions, we know we are victims. And because we know this, we are compelled to do one of two things, neither of which will help us one iota, we are to choose one of two evils, A bicycle company which is so corrupt that it cant command Our respect or our loyalty, or a labor union which thrives on hate, emotional enthusiasm, and stupidity. Written 1975..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:05:28 +0000

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